Alternative Arrangements

Section 1506.11 of the CEQ regulations provides for alternative arrangements to comply with NEPA when there is insufficient time to prepare an EIS.

Alternative Arrangements can be issued by CEQ, in consultation with the agency, when agency action is:

- necessary to protect human health or safety - or - to protect natural resources - or - both; and

- likely to result in significant environmental impacts.

Under such circumstances, the agency should consult with CEQ as quickly as practicable to determine the most appropriate alternative arrangements that will take the place of the normal EIS process. These arrangements are limited to activities necessary to control the immediate impacts of an emergency. Subsequent agency activities undergo NEPA review in accordance with the CEQ Regulations and Agency NEPA procedures.

Here is a comprehensive list of alternative arrangements made by CEQ and the Federal agencies since NEPA's inception.

- Alternative Arrangements Pursuant to 40 CFR Section 1506.11 - Emergencies

CEQ Issues DHS/USCG Emergency Alternative Arrangements for Response to Gulf of Mexico
(July 11, 2010)