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GREET Mini-Tool and Sample Results from GREET 1 2012


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June 28, 2012
ANLArgonne National LaboratoryGVgasoline vehicle
B2020% BD Blend with LSDHEVhybrid electric vehicle
BDBiodieselICEinternal combustion engine
BPEVbattery-powered electric vehicleLFGLandfill Gas
CA MixCalifornia avergae electricity generation mixLNGLiquified Natural Gas
CCSCarbon Capture ans SequestrationLSDLow Sulfur Diesel
CDCharge Depletion operation of PHEVmimiles travelled by the vehicle
CNGcompressed natural gasNANorth America
CNGVcompressed natural gas vehicleNNANon-North America
CSCharge Sustaining operation of PHEVNGnatural gas
CO2eCO2 equivalent (i.e., amount of CO2 emissions with equivalent global warming potential of emitted greenhouse gases)NGCCNatural Gas Combined Cycle
COGCoke Oven GasPHEVPlug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
DI CI DVdirect-injection compression-ignition diesel vehiclePTWpump-to-wheels
E85a mixture of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline (by volume)RDRenewable Diesel
EVElectric vehicleSMRSteam Methane Reforming
FCVfuel-cell vehicleUS MixUnited States avergae electricity generation mix
FFVflexible fuel vehicleVMTVehicle's mileage travelled
FTDFischer Tropsch Dieselw/with
G.H2Gaseous Hydrogenw/owithout
ggeGallons of Gasoline Equivalent (i.e., gallons of gasoline equivalent to the vehicle's energy use of the selected transportation fuel)WTPwell-to-pump
GREETGreenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in TransportationWTWwell-to-wheels

GREET Model Sample Results: Total Energy Use

GREET Model Sample Results: Fossil Energy Use

GREET Model Sample Results: Petroleum Energy Use

GREET Model Sample Results: Greenhouse Gas Emissions


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