Fish Passage Through Steep Gradient Culverts

The Western Federal Lands Highway Division website collects and makes available detailed culvert and stream data on constructed steep gradient (>4 percent) fish passage culverts. The data collection may be searched using several key parameters (design approach, culvert slope, stream width, geographic region, passage performance, morphology, etc.). Data, pictures, and plans may be downloaded using the report generator. Typical types of design approaches and levels of fish passage performance are represented. WFLHD will eventually use the physical data collected at this website to develop a performance factor based on statistical relationships between various physical parameters.

Success of the data collection depends on the quality and quantity of information in the database. People are encouraged to submit data for installed steep gradient fish passage culverts using the Fish Passage Culvert Form  (Acrobat, 322 KB).

New data is added to the database after it is reviewed for consistency and completeness. Use the Photo Template  (Acrobat, 25 KB) as guidance for obtaining photographic documentation. If you plan on sending digital pictures, do not forget to attach the pictures in the email.

To assist design efforts, a summary of key design features, bibliography, and links to design manuals, guidelines, and software are provided.

For more information, email Sven Leon at