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The Alan Gregg Papers

[Alan Gregg]. [1930s].
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In a career spanning nearly four decades, Rockefeller Foundation officer Alan Gregg (1890-1957) became one of the most influential men in the world of medical education and research. From 1919 to 1922, he worked as a field officer in the foundation's International Health Board, later becoming Associate Director of the Medical Education Division. He then served for twenty years as Director of the Medical Sciences Division before finishing his career as the foundation's Vice President. During that time he oversaw the expenditure of millions of dollars to physicians, scientists, universities, and institutes engaged in medical training and research. In the process, he helped create the model of medical research funding that predominates in the United States today. His many achievements were honored by a special Lasker Award in 1956.

As part of its Profiles in Science project, the National Library of Medicine has collaborated with Rockefeller Archive CenterExit
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Disclaimer; please review our Privacy Policy to digitize and make available over the World Wide Web a selection of the Alan Gregg collections for use by educators and researchers. The site provides access to the portions of the Alan Gregg Papers that have been selected for digitization. Individuals interested in conducting research in the Alan Gregg collections are invited to contact the National Library of Medicine and Rockefeller Archive Center.

This online Exhibit is designed to introduce you to the various phases of Gregg's career and professional life. It is divided into sections that focus on Gregg's life and major contributions to medical education and research. We suggest that new visitors begin with this exhibit, which includes a small selection of documents and visuals, organized within these sections. Each section begins with a "Background Narrative," which leads to "Documents" and "Visuals."

Visitors may access additional materials through Search on the navigation bar. They may also view the materials alphabetically or chronologically by choosing Browse on the navigation bar. Documents and visuals in these lists are arranged by format and then either alphabetically by title or chronologically.

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