United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Women Veterans Health Care

Publications and Products

Women Veterans Health Care: You served, you deserve the best care anywhere

Publications and Products

Women Veterans Health Care produces a host of outreach materials offering background on women's health at the VA. These materials include brochures, videos, health outreach campaigns, and research publications and reports.

Women Veterans Health Care is leading a VA-wide culture change campaign to deliver the message: "It’s everyone’s job to care for women Veterans." Learn more and download resources.


Women are enrolling in the VA at record levels, challenging a VA health care system that has historically cared for a mostly male population. Women Veterans proudly served. Explore this video series to hear from women Veterans—of all ages and conflicts—on the care they receive in VA facilities across the country, and learn what steps VA is taking to ensure that every Veteran receives the best care anywhere. To download videos: Right click on an image below. Select "Save Target As" or "Save Link As." Choose a location for the file (i.e., Desktop or My Documents) and hit "Save."

Clothesline Project Video Clothesline Project Video

Length: 03:12

Women Veterans Need You Women Veterans Need You

Length: 02:11

She Wore These: It's our job to give her the best care anywhere. She Wore These

Length: 1:03

New Patient Welcome Video New Patient Welcome Video

Length: 04:18

Highlights from the 2011 National Women Veterans Summit Highlights from the 2011 National Women Veterans Summit

Length: 04:07

Women Veteran Stories of Service Visit the Women Veteran Stories of Service Library

You Served, You Deserve Video You Served, You Deserve

Length: 06:36


Best Care Anywhere Video

The Best Care Anywhere 

Length: 05:09

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Research Publications and Reports

Thumbnail cover of Gender Differences in Performance Measures

Gender Differences in Performance Measures:
VHA 2008-2011
(2 MB, PDF)
This report shows that between 2008 and 2011, VA improved gender disparities in almost all measures and exceeded both private and public sector care on most measures. These findings were corroborated in another report (3.3MB, PDF) from VA's Office of Information and Analytics, which was released at the same time.

Quality performance is one aspect of exemplary care for women Veterans. Reducing—and ultimately eliminating—the gender gaps enhances the experience for women Veterans and ties directly back to our goal of patient-centered, comprehensive care for women.

Thumbnail cover of Sourcebook–Vol 1: Women Veterans in the Veterans Health Administration

Sourcebook Volume 1:
Women Veterans in the Veterans Health Administration
(1.6 MB, PDF)
The first in a series, this publication describes women Veterans receiving VHA care in Fiscal Year 2009 overall and within key subgroups (by age and by service-connected disability status). Future volumes will focus on race and ethnicity, diagnoses, and the use of fee basis care.

The Sourcebook is one result of ongoing VHA efforts aimed at understanding the effects of military service on women’s lives.

Thumbnail cover of Women Veterans Health Care Progress Report

Women Veterans Health Care Progress Report (268 KB, PDF)
This report describes VHA's efforts and progress to date in enhancing services for women Veterans. Spearheaded by Women Veterans Health Care, the initiative spans the ongoing implementation of comprehensive primary care for women Veterans across the system, to recruiting and training providers who are interested and proficient in women's health, to a VA-wide culture change to be more inclusive of women Veterans. The publication discusses results through FY 2011.

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These brochures provide information on a range of VA services for women Veterans. They are not copyrighted and may be reproduced.

General Services
(732 KB, PDF)
Number: IB 10-230
Dimensions: 8.5x11" trifold
Women Veterans Health Care General Services Brochure

Women in Need
(5.27 MB, PDF)
Number: IB 10-286
Dimensions: 8.5x11" trifold
Women in Need Brochure

Reproductive Health
(3.31 MB, PDF)
Number: IB 10-304
Dimensions: 8.5x11" trifold
Reproductive Health Brochure

Healthy Aging
(2.41 MB, PDF)
Number: IB 10-305
Dimensions: 8.5x11" trifold
Healthy Aging Brochure

General Services (Spanish)

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Health Outreach Campaigns

A healthy pregnancy should be the first gift you give your child.

Women Veterans Health Care puts out regular outreach campaigns, each with a women’s health focus, for Women Veterans Program Managers, Public Affairs Officers, and others in the field that work with women Veterans.

Browse the series.

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