Portrait of Keith Bradley

Keith Bradley

Nuclear Engineer and Technical Director
- Nuclear Engineering

Keith Bradley has nearly 30 years of experience in national security and advanced nuclear energy research and development.

Currently, he manages a complex-wide program in advanced modeling & simulation for DOE Office of Nuclear Energy. The program develops next-generation predictive simulation capability to advance nuclear power.

Most of Bradley’s career has been spent in the area of national security, with particular emphasis on nuclear capabilities and threats.  Previously he worked at Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos National Laboratories, studying the physics of nuclear weapons, technology development for nuclear nonproliferation, and R&D to advance and protect civilian nuclear fuel cycles. Bradley also worked closely with teams who were developing next-generation simulation tools, and was subsequently chosen to lead the similar program for the Office of Nuclear Energy.

Bradley’s most recent technical contribution has been in combining his expertise in nuclear weapons design and nuclear fuel cycle processes to combat nuclear terrorism and proliferation.

Awards, Honors, and Memberships

  • Member of the American Nuclear Society.
  • Member of Institute of Nuclear Materials Management.
  • Recipient of two DOE Defense Programs Awards of Excellence.

Publications & Patents

  • Nearly 30 peer reviewed publications in both unclassified and classified journals and proceedings.