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Nuclear Energy Resources for Schools
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Nuclear Energy Learning Resources for Home and School

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  From the Argonne Nuclear Engineering Division: Interviews on situation at Japan's nuclear reactors — for a list of interviews featuring experts from our Division and related multimedia links

Fukushima and Chernobyl: Myth versus Reality“Fukushima and Chernobyl: Myth versus Reality” — Want to bypass the popular press myths and gain a true understanding of the radiation releases at Fukushima? In “Fukushima and Chernobyl: Myth versus Reality”, leading experts from several international organizations, including the United Nations, discuss the facts. Watch video

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List of U.S. resources for students at or below high school level about nuclear energy topics. Some of the pages are written for specific age groups (e.g., 14-16 years), and these are clearly marked.

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The ABC's of Nuclear Science

This comprehensive website -hosted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory- provides a wealth of information for teachers and students who want to learn the basics of nuclear physics. The site includes:
- Tutorials about atomic physics, radiation, fission and fusion, cosmic rays, and antimatter.
- Online Nuclear Science Wall Chart with companion teacher’s guide.
- Guides to conducting basic hands-on experiments in nuclear science that include study questions.
- Glossary of nuclear science terms and more.
Primarily for high school students.
:: Go to website

Last accessed by NE: Mar. 7, 2011

The ABC's of Nuclear Science

American Nuclear Society:
Nuclear Science and Technology and How It Influences Your Life

The American Nuclear Society (ANS) Public Information web site features information on nuclear science and technology and how it influences your life through five major application fields: food irradiation, industry, medicine, space, and electricity. At this site, students will learn more about the world in which they live and teachers will find it an excellent resource for their students class projects. Others will find useful information about living in our radioactive world. The information is peer-reviewed by scientists, engineers, professors, and others who have nuclear-related jobs.
:: Go to the website

Last accessed by NE: Mar. 7, 2011

Nuclear Science and Technology and How It Influences Your Life

American Nuclear Society:
Nuclear Education, Research, and Careers

This site provides students from middle school through college with the opportunity to explore the challenges and opportunities presented in selecting nuclear science and engineering as a field of study and career. It is expected that for most individuals the words "nuclear engineering" will immediately imply nuclear power electrical production, but that is only part of the story.
:: Go to the website

Last accessed by NE: Mar. 7, 2011

Nuclear Education, Research, and Careers

American Nuclear Society (ANS): Public Information for Teachers and Students

The Outreach department of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) provides access to materials for teachers and students. Resources for teachers include: Teacher workshops, ANS Outreach Newsletter, Ask an Expert, Classroom Posters (Nuclear Fission vs. Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Methods in Landmine Detection, Nuclear Power Applications in Space, Nuclear Waste Transportation and Disposal - Yucca Mountain).
Make sure to check also the section "Nuclear Matters" which offers relevant information, simple facts, and additional resources that will help individuals prepare for thoughtful discussions on nuclear matters.
In a dedicated section, students can also find information about Scholarships and Nuclear Careers.
Recommended to high school students and teachers.
:: Go to website

Last accessed by NE: Mar. 7, 2011

Materials for Teachers and Students (ANS)

CASEnergy Coalition

The Clean and Safe Energy Coalition (CASEnergy Coalition) is an important voice in the public dialogue over current and future energy needs, particularly in addressing how nuclear power can contribute to America’s energy security and economic growth.
:: Go to the CASEnergy website

CASEnergy Classroom
Ever wonder what an alpha particle is? Or exactly how a pressurized water reactor varies from a boiling water reactor? Make sure you check the CASEnergy Classroom: there CASEnergy offers materials and visuals allowing you to learn about some basic facts within the nuclear world. To easily access the pages of the classroom web site, go to the sitemap of the CASEnergy web site.
Example from CASEnergy Classroom:
:: How a nuclear power plant works

Last accessed by NE: Mar. 8, 2011

CASEnergy Classroom

Showing Page: 1 of 5 under U.S. Resources for Schools
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And if you find other websites on nuclear science and technology that are designed for students and that you think are useful and would like to share with other students, please send them to .


Please understand that Argonne National Laboratory and the Nuclear Engineering Division do not claim that this is a comprehensive listing of nuclear energy websites, nor are Argonne or the Nuclear Engineering Division responsible for the contents of any of the websites listed, other than any which originate within Argonne. No endorsement of any organization or site is intended by this listing, and none should be inferred.

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