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Student Outreach
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NE Student Outreach Committee
Nuclear Engineering Division



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 NE Student Outreach

Activities in 2012

2012 NE Summer Student Seminar Series

These seminars provide a taste of some of the Division's important work to address global problems such as proliferation of nuclear materials, spent fuel disposition (called "waste" in current public discourse) and developing a sustainable energy system. Students from other divisions are invited to attend.
Target Audience: Summer Students at NE or other Argonne Divisions.

DOWNLOAD: 2012 Summer Colloquium Series [92.73 KB, last mod.: June 15 2012, 13:35]

Date & Place



June 12, 2012
402 Gallery

This seminar will be
immediately followed by
lunch for NE students and

Argonne’s Nuclear Engineering Division -- Uncut and Uncensored
Nuclear Engineer, Engineering Analysis Department

Seminar Abstract:

Find out just what goes on within Argonne’s Nuclear Engineering Division and how our research advances the nuclear power generation field and also finds applications in other fields you might never have expected.

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Roger Blomquist

June 19, 2012
in Bldg. 302 Aud.

Nuclear Weapons Proliferation: How It Happened
Kirsten Laurin-Kovitz, Manager, Technical Nonproliferation Policy Support Section

Seminar Abstract:

Proliferation threat and response: Coevolution of proliferation and nonproliferation.

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News piece on how proliferators want indigenous capabilities to create WMD: “Made in the USA” in Iran from CBS
Kirsten Laurin-Kovitz
June 26, 2012
in Bldg. 208/A138

Light Water Reactor Severe Accident Analysis and Experimentation at Argonne Related to the Nuclear Incident in Japan
Mitch Farmer, Manager, Engineering Development Labs Section

Seminar Abstract:

The 2011 earthquake and Tsunami in Japan initiated severe accidents at several of the reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex. These accidents have led to a resurgence of interest in Light Water Reactor (LWR) severe accident phenomenology. This presentation will provide an historical overview of this research and discuss some of the basic physics involved with severe accidents, as well as phenomenological models that have been developed to describe the progression. The presentation will also include a general discussion about the application of the LWR severe accident knowledge base to events at Fukushima.

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Mitch Farmer

June 28, 2012
in Bldg. 402 Aud.

Warning DON'T MISS:
Meet people who
wrote nuclear energy

Lab Director’s Special Symposium: CP-1/EBR-I Nuclear Pioneers Panel
Harold Agnew, Warren Nyer, Len Koch

Seminar Abstract:

Panel speakers were involved with the initial criticality of CP-1 in 1942 and the initial testing of EBR-1 in 1951.

See also:
Argonne’s Nuclear Science and Technology Legacy
- NE website
EBR-I (Experimental Breeder Reactor-I) - Fast Reactor Technology Reactors designed by Argonne

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WATCH VIDEO: Read symposium summary/watch the video of symposium

CP-1 /  EBR-I

July 10, 2012
in Bldg. 203 Auditorium

Warning CHANGE:
New location

Nuclear Energy: Facts and Politics
Roger N. Blomquist, Principal Nuclear Engineer, Nuclear Systems Analysis Department

Seminar Abstract:

Nuclear energy issues, including what the problems were implementing nuclear 1.0 during 1970-1990, and how to argue in the nuclear energy debate.

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Roger Blomquist

July 17, 2012
in Bldg. 203/D120

Warning CHANGE:
New location

Fast Reactor Physics
Ed Hoffman, Nuclear Engineer,
Nuclear Systems Analysis Department

Seminar Abstract:

How fast reactor physics differs from thermal reactor physics, and how the fast spectrum allows pursuit of various strategic objectives, e.g., resource extension, actinide burnup in lieu of disposal, weapons material disposition.

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Ed Hoffman

July 24, 2012
in Bldg. 203 Auditorium

Warning CHANGE:
New location


Fast Reactor Coolant Options
Thomas Fanning, Manager, Safety Analysis Section

Seminar Abstract:

In the past, engineers proposed, and in many cases tested, nearly every imaginable fluid for use as a reactor coolant. In order to have a fast neutron spectrum, however, there are significant constraints imposed on the coolant choices. The Generation IV International Forum identified three promising coolant choices for fast reactors: sodium, lead, and helium. This presentation provides an overview of these coolant options and how they impact overall design, safety, and operations, and how they result in considerable differences with light water reactors.

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[ not available yet ]

Thomas Fanning

July 31, 2012
in Bldg. 205 Y Wing Auditorium

Warning CHANGE:
New date & location

Our Man at Fukushima — ANL’s role in radiation monitoring
Frank Moore, RAP Scientist/ Equipment Coordinator

Ray Klann, Manager, Radiological Detection & Response Section

Steven Bettenhausen, RAP Training & Outreach Coordinator

Seminar Abstract:

Following a magnitude 9 earthquake and 14-meter tsunami on March 11, 2011, the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan suffered a major loss-of-coolant accident and large quantities of radioactive materials were released to the environment. Within 3 days of the earthquake, the White House directed the Department of Energy to deploy a team to Japan to provide radiological monitoring support to the Department of Defense, Department of State, and the Government of Japan. This team consisted of personnel and equipment from DOE-NNSA, the Remote Sensing Laboratories in Las Vegas and Washington DC, and several RAP Regions, including four team members from Argonne. This talk will give an overview of the accident and description of the DOE assets and capabilities called upon to respond. Some first-hand experiences of radiological monitoring in Japan will be discussed and some monitoring results will be presented.

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R.T. Klann

Aug. 2, 2012
in Bldg. 205 Y Wing Auditorium

Warning CHANGE:
New date & location

Nuclear Fuel Behavior
Gerard Hofman, Sr. Metallurgical Engr., Fuel Development & Qualification, Research & Test Reactor Conversion Department

Seminar Abstract:

What kinds of experiments and analyses are done to ensure that nuclear fuel will not fail and will always contain the radioactive fission products and actinides after irradiation?

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[ not available yet ]
G. Hofman

DOWNLOAD: 2012 Summer Colloquium Series [92.73 KB, last mod.: June 15 2012, 13:35]

Other Activities

Information about current and or upcoming activities can be found in the NE Student Outreach home page.

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