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12 May 2011

Director Mayorkas Discusses Citizenship Programs with German Federal Minister of the Interior Friedrich

In the tradition of partnership with the Federal Republic of Germany, Director Mayorkas met recently with German Federal Minister of the Interior, Dr. Hans-Peter Friedrich, to discuss efforts to integrate immigrants and new citizens.

Director Mayorkas and Minister Friedrich
Director Mayorkas and Minister Friedrich

The Citizenship and Integration Grant Program, which provides support for local citizenship preparation services, was a central topic of discussion. The Director and Minister Friedrich discussed challenges faced by both nations in better integrating new citizens, and agreed that effective integration efforts are vital to both nations. Minister Friedrich viewed the Grant Program as evidence of the importance of local efforts to promote integration, pointing out that successful efforts could not simply be decreed from "Washington or Berlin."

The meeting concluded with Director Mayorkas presenting Minister Friedrich a bound copy of "The Citizen’s Almanac," a book provided to new citizens upon naturalization.

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At May 14, 2011 at 12:02:00 PM EDT , Anonymous search engine optimization detroit said...

They've been tryign to integrate the Turkish minority but to no avail. Their chancelor has even admited their failed. What are they goign to do next?

At May 17, 2011 at 11:18:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Medicus said...

I found the integration process easy because I already had family here. I do know of a number of people who have struggled though.

I have found two problems along the way. The first is there is just not enough funding/resources. You start to go through the process and then it stops. I believe it needs to be more ongoing to provide any benefit but I do understand the cost involved.

The second is that when people arrive here they don't mix outside their ethnic background. They retain their cultural beliefs and practices, which is great and I encourage everyone to retain their identity. However they fail to embrace a new way of life.

As I said to a colleague one day "if you liked that way of life, why did you come here?"

At May 18, 2011 at 11:33:00 AM EDT , Anonymous wine coolers said...

good to see Germany working alongside us on the issue of immigration. the Naturalization process is easy but many don't want to follow the rules and steps to attain it


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