U.S. Paralympian John Register Inspires WTC Staff and Cadre

By BG Gary Cheek, WTC Commander

(L-R) U.S. Paralympian and Army Veteran John Register and BG Gary Cheek, WTC Commander, addressed WTC staff and cadre at the WTC Winter Conference.

(L-R) U.S. Paralympian and Army Veteran John Register and BG Gary Cheek, WTC Commander, addressed WTC staff and cadre at the WTC Winter Conference.

Yesterday, U.S. Paralympian and Army Veteran John Register addressed more than 400 WTC staff and cadre gathered for the WTC Winter Conference. John, who now works for the U.S. Olympic Committee, shared his personal story—in 1994, he was an elite-level athlete training for the 1996 Olympic Games when he fell in training and suffered multiple injuries: a hyper-extended knee, broken leg, and shredded artery. Because of the artery injury, John’s doctors offered him two choices: use a wheel-chair or walker for the rest of his life, or amputate the leg.

John focused on his abilities and his goals, and wasted no time getting back in shape. In the 1996 Atlanta Paralympics, he competed in swimming, but was most inspired by amputees competing in track and field—his sport. He realized he could do that too, and in the 2000 Sydney Paralympics, John won a silver medal in the long jump.

John’s story is an example for all wounded warriors. When confronted with a life-altering situation, John’s attention turned to what he could do and to setting the goals it would take to get him to the next stage. John wanted to compete in the U.S. Olympic Games, and he wanted to continue actively living his life. By setting and achieving small goals, such as perfecting his stride and shaving seconds off his time, John worked incrementally to achieve his larger goal. Not only did he achieve the goal of competing in the Olympics, he won a silver medal.

“When you are injured, you need to accept and embrace the things that are out of your control and open your boundaries,” Register told the crowd. “Injured Soldiers, Veterans, and Family members have had everything stripped away from them, yet they have the intestinal fortitude to get it back. That’s the inspirational power of sports.”

Most wounded warriors stand to benefit tremendously from adaptive sports, activities that help them embrace their abilities. I encourage all Warriors in Transition (WT) to talk to their squad leader about adaptive sports opportunities in their area and to challenge their boundaries on the athletic field.

All WTC staff and cadre are excited about the upcoming Warrior Games on May 10-15 at the U.S. Olympic Facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado. One hundred Soldiers will compete against 100 Sailors, Airmen, and Marines in nine events. These warrior athletes are all currently actively training, meeting their incremental goals and inspiring other WTs in their units.

Army Offers Post-Deployment Health Reassessments

By LTC Tillman-Ortiz, PDHRA

Have you ever taken your car to the mechanic for one thing, say for a noise, only to leave needing a series of repairs? And, you know that this could have been prevented if you had taken care of it earlier and had it identified. The same idea of early identification applies to your health.

As a deployed Soldier, you’ve placed demands on your body unlike ever before and there may be a crick or behavior change that wasn’t there before. Is it a symptom of a larger issue or just a crick? The Army’s Post-Deployment Health Reassessment (PDHRA) is conducted 90 to 180 days after your redeployment to help you figure that out.

This health screening is a simple process of filling out a questionnaire and speaking with a healthcare provider. A click of a mouse and a candid conversation are all that are needed to possibly get you care essential for your well-being and readiness. If you have recently returned from a combat deployment, talk to your commander about completing the PDHRA. It’s important to your health, your family and your unit.

You can learn more about the PDHRA online at www.armyg1.army.mil/HR/pdhra or click on “My Medical Readiness” under “Medical Self Service” in AKO.

BG Cheek attends CODE Launch Event

BG Cheek, the Commander of the Warrior Transition Command, attended the launch event for Call of Duty Endowment (CODE) last week. CODE is a new endowment fund created by Activision Blizzard, which aims to combat unemployment among Veterans. Activision Blizzard created the endowment organization with a commitment to raise millions of dollars to help raise awareness of Veterans unemployment and directly fund organizations that support Veterans transitioning to the civilian workforce.

In a press release, Activision Blizzard stated that it created the endowment after recognizing that its Call of Duty Modern Warfare video game series is extremely popular among troops, and that it wanted to give back to servicemembers by using proceeds from the sale of an upcoming game to help Veterans find employment. The organization has an advisory board composed of Veterans representing various branches of the military and the board will help identify organizations that will receive grants to raise awareness of the issue.

BG Cheek attended the launch event for the organization and stressed the need to help Veterans transitioning from the service with employment opportunities according to the press release:


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