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Interim Outcomes Assessment Panel Meeting Agenda

Monday, March 21, 2011  8:30 a.m.  Conference Room D

Morning Session:  Objectives of Glue Grants Interim Assessment – Open Session

Welcome and Introductions
Overall Plan for Evaluation – Dr. Peter Preusch (NIGMS)
Overview of Glue Grant Program – Dr. Michael Rogers (NIGMS)
Discussion of Previous Process and In-Progress Evaluations – Dr. Juliana Blome (NIGMS)
Charge to the Committee – Dr. Jeremy Berg (NIGMS)
Discussion of Questions to be Answered by the Panel – Dr. Norma Allewell (Chair)
Panel Questions for Glue Grant Scientific Liaisons and Program Officials


Discussion of Objective Data – Presentation by Discovery Logic-Thomson Reuters, Inc.
Discussion of Community Input Data – Presentation by Ripple Effect Communications, Inc.
Discussion of Data Received from PIs – Questions for NIGMS Glue Grant Administrators

Lunch – Executive Session – Panel Members only

Afternoon Session:  Assessment of Individual Glue Grant Outcomes – Closed Session

Alliance for Cellular Signaling
Consortium for Functional Glycomics
Cell Migration Consortium

Break – Executive Session – Panel Members only

Lipid MAPS
Inflammation and the Host Response to Injury

The objective of these sessions is to develop the responses to the individual glue grant assessment questions for each project that will feed into the overall glue grant program meta-analysis.

Wrap-Up Session – Things to think about overnight.  Any additional data that needs to be requested or retrieved? Writing assignments for individual projects? Mechanics? Questions for tomorrow?

Meeting Adjourned by 5:30 p.m.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. Conference Room D

Morning Session: Overall Outcomes Assessment

Discussion of Overall Outcomes of Glue Grants by Goal and Proximity of Impact

Knowledge – Major Advances Achieved?
Methods/Technology/Tools – Could they not have otherwise been achieved?
Community – In-group/Out-group – Supergroup – Leverage - did it make a difference?
Data and Databases – Who cares, do we care, does the community care?
Impact – Has the course of science or medicine been shifted?

The objective of this session will be to discuss the overall impact of the glue grants program as a whole.  It is expected that this conclusion will depend on the preponderance of evidence summed over each of the individual assessments completed the previous day.


Consideration of Potential Changes to the Glue Grant Program

Discussion of Final Questions – Continue, Modify or Discontinue

Final Wrap-Up Session – Major Conclusions, Writing Assignments Planning Report

Meeting Adjourned at 12:30 p.m.

This page last reviewed on August 19, 2011