Break The Chain

Grand Prize

Experiencing bullying has become a way of life. It shouldn't be. This is a story about life and one person who had the strength to Break The Chain.


2 months ago

Brought tears to my eyes!

2 months ago


2 months ago


2 months ago

So awesome, that it's awesome. LOVE IT!!

2 months ago

Awesome Sauce L-3!

2 months ago

Great Job cuz! I'll be lookin out.
your older cuz,

2 months ago

Wow ! just wow !!!

2 months ago

It's a great video!! You are a very talented young lady.

2 months ago

Wow! Nice the song and the artwork!

2 months ago

This video is remarkable. Ellie wrote the lyrics, composed the music, sang and played the instrument and did all of the graphics. Ellie is remarkable!

2 months ago

What a touching video! It truly brought a tear to my eye! What a great message it sends!

2 months ago

Very proud to have seen the growth you have made in middle school. Thank you for focusing your talents on such an important issue!

2 months ago

Your video is amazing Ellie I hope your video comes in first

2 months ago

Dear Ellie,
My name is Hannah. I go to your school, Wildwood Middle School. Today in spainsh class with Mrs. Porter she showed me your viedo. It was amazing! Im in 6th grade. I heard your song and vocie with your amazing drawings! I was so impressed! I couldn't believe it! Ellie you seem so nice! I hope you can read this and I want you to know that this is not just a comment i'm taking it from my heart and just typing it. Your viedo is so touching and it makes me just want to go out and change bullying in this world! I want to meet you so bad. I wish you the best of luck with your viedo! I voted, my brothers, my sisters, and even my mom and dad! I love you!

2 months ago

Dear Ellie,

I teach elementary school music. I can't wait to share your video with my students so that they can "Break the Chain" too. Good luck and congratulation.

2 months ago

Great song that sends an important message! Keep up the terrific work. Susan R

2 months ago

This video brought me to tears. Turtle Rock for life!

2 months ago

Totally agree, Charlieee! Yeah, this was incredibly, awesomely amazing and I really hope you win. I think we all cried a little...

2 months ago

I am a teacher in Missouri and watched your video tonight. It was incredible! The song, the lyrics, your voice, and the drawings all went together perfectly to share a powerful message. I'm so impressed with your work!

2 months ago

Amazing!!! Love you Ellie!!! youre amazing and so is the video!!!

2 months ago

Your video is AMAZING!!!,!!! My mom and I both voted for you and my dad is going to tomorrow! I hope you win because your video is by far the most touching!

2 months ago

Well Ellie, it seems youve hit the big time!
Your video gives such a positive message, that i know touches us all. Bullying is something that we have come to experience in our everyday lives, but it should be time for us to "Break the Chain", and show the world that bullying shouldnt exist, and how wonderful the world can and should be. Eventhough it should be the message that youve worked for, good luck on winning that top prize.
For our school,
For us,
For you.

2 months ago

Hey Ellie! =D
You can probably guess who this is. Anyway, ermahgerd, this video is so amazing. Your drawings are beautifully done and express so much =) Your voice and piano playing skills are above the top! I wanted to cry watching this. I know you've had some hard times, so I just want to say I hope you heed your own words ;D I'll always be here if you need me.
I know you'll be a great success someday and I am rooting for this video to win! Good luck, bestie! ^^


2 months ago

Ellie: Wow, what a phenomenal video! We're incredibly proud of you - the band program at WMS and our entire school is lucky to have you in class with us every day. Keep reaching - always. =)
-Mrs. Dauw

2 months ago

Ellie, you are an inspiration to everyone who has ever gone through hard times. The artwork, the song, the singing are all so powerful, but the most remarkable thing is how you use your strengths--to bring love to the world!

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