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Air Guard starts funding recruitment storefronts

Posted 12/27/2010   Updated 12/27/2010 Email story   Print story


by Air Force Tech. Sgt. John Orrell
National Guard Bureau

12/27/2010 - WASHINGTON (12/16/10) -- The Air National Guard's storefront recruiting
facilities program got a momentum boost this fiscal year by officially
becoming funded by the National Guard Bureau for the first time, Air Force
Senior Master Sgt. Greg Renz said recently.

Renz, the ANG's recruiting operations superintendent, added that the program
- which places recruitment centers out into the communities - did receive
some funding in the past, but it was only out of executioner funds, which
are comprised of leftover annually-budgeted ANG recruiting dollars.

"Traditionally, as an Air Guard unit, if the unit itself had a storefront,
they had to go and procure the storefront on their own," he said.

Before the program became officially funded, if any units set up a
storefront and the money hadn't come from NGB, then the unit would have to
take it out of their budget.

"This allows all [wings] to have a storefront, and [NGB will] pay for it,"
he said. "The funding will pay for the leases . and the expenses associated
with having a storefront."

Renz said the storefront program is an important step for building
relationships within the communities and the other service branches.

"It allows recruiters to get closer with their local community," he said.
"We can expand our footprint across America . and maybe recruit from some
communities [where] we haven't been before."

Adding storefronts close to active duty recruiters will embrace the total
force concept and work with each other to recruit for what they need, he

The storefront program also has an aesthetic and practical advantage as
well, Renz said.

"If you walk into a storefront in Illinois it should be the same . if you
walk into a storefront in Washington," he said. "Wherever you go, it should
have the same look and feel."

Each storefront will have a specialized look and feel directly related to
whatever mission each unit is recruiting, he added.

"If you have unit that has F-22s, when you go to that particular storefront
you will see pictures and specialized information about that mission. That's
makes it easier for a recruiter to show what [individual wings] do."

He added it will also bring a continuity that fits the storefronts into the
Department of Defense recruiting facilities program.

"We're excited about the program . it's going to offer stability, a
professional look and feel, and it's going to give us the ability to
showcase the ANG in a light that it actually is - a professional
organization,' he said.

Renz added that commanders interested in starting a storefront in their
local area should contact their recruiting and retention superintendents for

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