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News > Red Ribbon Week 2012 - Band of the Pacific-Alaska reaches out to local students
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Top Cover rocks the house at local school during Red Ribbon Week
In support of Red Ribbon Week, the USAF Band of the Pacific-Top Cover performs for students in the Anchorage, Palmer, and Wasilla areas. The concerts feature many current musical favorites along with a powerful message to say "NO" to drugs and live a healthy lifestyle.
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Red Ribbon Week 2012 - Band of the Pacific-Alaska reaches out to local students

Posted 10/23/2012   Updated 10/26/2012 Email story   Print story


by SSgt Jeff Dahlseng
Air Force Band of the Pacific-Alaska

10/23/2012 - - -- The Air Force Band of the Pacific-Alaska annually supports Anti Drug Education throughout Anchorage and MatSu schools.  This year, Top Cover and Alaska Brass combined to reach 26 local schools! 

Each concert features a variety of exciting music, some very familiar to the students and also some timeless favorites.  On display during the entire concert, students are shown that with hard work and smart choices, our musicians have developed some pretty amazing talent. 

This exciting performance is accompanied by a powerful message that drugs have no purpose or place in our lives. 

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