Health Care

Health care has long been one of my top priorities in Congress. My goal in the Senate is to make sure that all Americans have access to affordable, quality health care. In order to achieve this goal, we must implement policies that reduce health care costs.  These policies should increase competition and choice for patients, thereby expanding access to doctors, nurses, and other providers. 

Access to hospitals and quality health care services determines whether Kansans can remain in the communities they call home and whether their children can return to raise families of their own. To ensure Kansas towns survive and flourish, the unique health care needs of rural Americans must be addressed. I have had the privilege of visiting each of the 127 community hospitals in Kansas to learn firsthand the vital role each hospital plays in caring for the residents of its community. I will continue working to preserve the special way of life we enjoy in Kansas by protecting access to quality health care in our rural communities.

In order to improve patient treatment, care, diagnosis, and treatment, it is essential that we remain committed to advancing medical research. This research is essential to saving and improving lives, growing our economy, and maintaining America’s role as a global leader in medical innovation. Our nation has long recognized the importance of advancing medical research, and given the vast amount of progress made over the last century and the great potential current research holds, it is important that we continue our strong commitment to advancing cures and treatments for disease. Click here to learn more about my efforts in support of medical research.


I am a member of the following health care caucuses:

  • Congressional Caucus on Parkinson’s Disease
  • Congressional Multiple Sclerosis Caucus
  • Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Senate Cancer Caucus
  • Senate Community Health Center Caucus
  • Senate Community Pharmacy Caucus (Co-Founder)
  • Senate Diabetes Caucus
  • Senate Rural Health Caucus