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MSFC Freedom of Information Act
Enter contact information for yourself:

(NOTE: Failure to enter accurate information may render your FOIA request impossible to fulfill.)
Your name?

(Optional*) Your e-mail address?

* If you would like for me to communicate with you electronically, please enter your email address.  If an email address is not provided, all correspondence will be made by US Post Office mail.
(Mandatory) Your address?
(Optional) Your phone number:

(Optional) Your fax number?

Select the type of document that you are requesting:
Enter contract number:
Select contract type(s): Other Enter description:

Select a suitable description of yourself and the purpose of the request in order to help to determine status to assess fees:
Affiliated with an educational or non-commercial scientific institution, and this request is made for a scholarly or scientific purpose and not for commercial use.
An individual seeking information for personal use and not for a commercial use.
Affiliated with a private corporation and am seeking information for use in the company's business.
A representative of the news media and this request is made part of news gathering and not for a commercial use.
Television Station
Enter description and purpose:

(Optional) Enter maximum fee
(You will be informed if the estimated fee will exceed this limit.)

(Optional) Explanation for request to waiver all fees:

(Optional) Additional comments:

AUTHORITY:  42 USC § 2473; 44 USC § 3101; 5 USC § 552 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) as amended; 14 CFR part 1206. NASA Privacy Act System of Records Notice, NASA 10.

PURPOSE: This system allows individuals to file electronic FOIA requests.

ROUTINE USE: Any disclosures of information will be compatible with the purpose for which the Agency collected the information. The records and information in these records may be disclosed in accordance with NASA standard routine uses as set forth in Appendix B of NASA Privacy Act Systems of Records Notices.

DISCLOSURE: Voluntary. We seek your full name and postal mailing address. Failure to provide this information may result in your request not being processed. Disclosures of this information outside the Agency may be made to parties for the purposes detailed in the Routine Uses section of the Privacy Act System of Records Notice, NASA 10.

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NASA Official: Judi Hollingsworth
Page Curator: Jeannine Norman

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