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Library > Emergency Actions
Emergency Actions Emergency Actions

Warnings of approaching storms, as well as typhoon tips and precautions, are broadcast over AFN radio and television. Current local weather information, including tropical cyclone conditions of readiness, is available on the Kadena weather flight's homepage. Kadena residents can also get up-to-date pathway projections for typhoons via the Joint Typhoon Warning Center's homepage. Read the Kadena Air Base Emergency Actions Guide for more details on typhoon preparedness and bookmark Kadena's typhoon fact sheet online for future reference.
tab General Preparedness 
There are some general preparedness and survival measures you should take now to ready yourself and your family for any disaster we might face here. These apply to any kind of disaster or contingency, and the time you take with these now will ensure your survival and increase your comfort later on.

Consider the following:

FIRST AID TRAINING: Everyone in your family will benefit from first aid training.

FIRE EXTINGUISHER TRAINING: Make sure you, your family and coworkers know how to use the fire extinguishers in your facilities. Every home needs a fire extinguisher.

INSPECTING SMOKE ALARMS: You should inspect smoke alarms in facilities on a monthly basis.

KEEP IMPORTANT PAPERS UPDATED, IN FIREPROOF BOX: Passports, birth certificates, marriage licenses and citizenship documents will be important if the wing commander chooses to evacuate people following a disaster. Insurance papers will be critical for replacing property and wills are essential for protecting your estate. Renter's insurance is available through a variety of providers here on island.

PLAN YOUR ACTIONS: Look around your work place and quarters to see what you have to do in case of emergencies and make an emergency plan.

HAVE ROUTINE DRILLS: Make sure everyone understands how to leave safely and when and how to shut off utilities. Once a quarter is usually a good interval for fire and earthquake drills.
tabQuick Reference Checklist 
Before the disaster
  • Make up a disaster kit
  • Get first aid, fire extinguisher training
  • Keep track of important papers
  • Plan your actions
  • Conduct disaster drills
During disasters
  • Don't panic!
  • Stay put unless threatened by an immediate hazard
After the disaster
  • Hunt for hazards & report damage, fires
  • Help each other out
  • Check your emergency supplies
  • Listen to your radio
  • Stay off the streets
  • Be patient!

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tabEmergency Services on Okinawa FAQs
How many military 911 Emergency Dispatch Centers are located on Okinawa?
There are two 911 Emergency Dispatch Centers on Okinawa for all military installations. One is located on Kadena AB and the other on Camp Foster.

How do I dial 911 if I live on base?
If you reside on base, dial 911 for emergencies as if you are in the United States. The phone service provider will automatically connect you to the appropriate 911 dispatch center.

How do I dial 911 from my cellular phone?
There are two numbers being advertised for all military installations. Please store these numbers in your cellular phone and in your home. If you commute to multiple installations including Kadena, save both and use which one is more appropriate to your current location.

Kadena Dispatch: 098-934-5911 (Kadena, Okuma, Camp Shields, Torii Station)

Foster Dispatch: 098-911-1911 (Camp Foster, Camp Courtney, Camp Hansen, Camp Schwab, Camp Futenma, and Camp Kinser.

What if I live off base and require emergency services?
If you live off base, we recommend that you contact the local Japanese dispatch center by pressing 119 on your cellular phone. The local Japanese dispatch center will also contact the military dispatch center for assistance.

How do I give the Japanese 911 dispatcher my location?
If you live off base, the local Japanese dispatch center recommends that you write your house number down. This number allows them to find your location much like a street address in the United States. Another important piece of information for dispatchers is landmarks and well known businesses to aide in giving directions.

What if I have magic jack or Vonage? Can I still call 911?
Yes, if you are able to dial the country of Japan commercially you can make a 911 call. The number is 011-81-611-734-9445.

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