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  Inspector General
  US Dept of Defense-
  Inspection of AFRH
  (February 2010)

AFRH Inspector General (IG)
Sheila Abarr

The AFRH Inspector General of the Armed Forces Retirement Home, as the principal advisor to the Chief Operating Officer on all matters relating to the detection and prevention of fraud, waste and mismanagement, shall:

Operate the AFRH Hotline Program, ensuring that inquiries resulting from allegations are conducted in accordance with applicable laws, AFRH regulations and policies.

Report serious allegations/findings to appropriate authorities.

What is an IG Complaint?

An IG complaint is the reporting of any infraction that is or appears to be an abuse, waste, fraud or mismanagement or government resources or services by any government or contract employee.

Who May File an IG Complaint?

Residents/Resident Family Members/Employees/Public

Where should I send the IG complaint?

Complaints can be sent to the AFRH IG by email, U.S. mail or telephone. See information below for details. 

Phone: Individuals may leave messages on the on the AFRH IG Hotline by dialing toll free: 1-866-769-2068. The AFRH Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Hotline callers will be able to leave taped messages regarding allegations of inappropriate behavior. Callers may remain anonymous. 

Email/Fax/Mail: Allegations can also be forwarded to the following email address:, fax number: 202-541-7521 or sent via regular mail to: Armed Forces Retirement Home Inspector General,3700 North Capitol Street, NW, #1303 Washington, DC 20011-8400

Face-to-Face meeting: Individuals wishing a face-to-face meeting can request a meeting by either leaving their name on the AFRH IG Hotline taped message, use the IG’s e-mail address or forward the request by regular U.S. mail.


Last Updated February 06, 2012