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Middle East Cancer Consortium

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MECC Manuals and Brochures

Guide to Pain Management [view Guide]

MECC Manual of Coding and Staging, 5th Edition, Version 5.1, July 2009. [view manual]

Manual of Standards for Cancer Registration, 4th Edition, March 2005 [English] [Greek]

Scientific Publications Related to MECC


"Abstracts of the Middle Eastern Cancer Consortium (MECC) Palliative Care Steering Committee Meeting." Larnica, January 8-10, 2010. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol (2010) 32(5): 419-439 [view article]

Kamen B (2010) "Cancer Pain, Suffering, and Spirituality: A Middle Eastern Cancer Consortium Meeting" J Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 32(5): 341 [view article]

"MECC Workshop on Integrative Oncology in the Middle East." Larnica Cyprus, June 8-10, 2010, A Collection of Abstracts. J Pall Med (2010) 13(7): 919-930 [view article]

"Abstracts of the Middle Eastern Cancer Consortium (MECC) Workshop on Cancer Pain, Suffering and Spirituality." Asian Pac J. Cancer Prev (2010) 11 Supp: 1-124 [view abstracts]


Harford JB, Edwards BK, Nandakumar A, Ndom P, Capocaccia R, Coleman MP, ICCC-3 Session A group (2009) “Cancer control-planning and monitoring population-based systems” Tumori 95(5): 568-578. [view article]

Dey S, Soliman AS, Hablas A, Seifeldin IA, Ismail K, Ramadan M, El-Hamzawy H, Wilson MI, Banerjee M, Boffetta P, Harford J, Merajver SD (2009) “Urban-rural differences in breast cancer incidence by hormone receptor status across 6 years in Egypt” Breast Cancer Res Treat [view article]

“Leading the Way in Pain Control: A MECC-ONS Course for Oncology” (2009) J Pediat Hematol Oncol 31(8):605-618. [view article]

Rottenberg Y, Yahalom V, Shinar E, Barchana M, Adler B, Paltiel O (2009) “Blood donors with positive direct antiglobulin tests are at increased risk for cancer” Transfusion 49:838-842 [view article]

Rozen P, Liphshitz I, Barchana M, “The changing epidemiology of upper gastrointestinal cancers in Israel: clinical and screening implications” (2009) Euro J Cancer Prev 18(3):191-198. [view article]

Soliman AS, Banerjee M, Lo AC, Ismail K, Hablas A, Seifeldin IA, Ramadan M, Omar HG, Fokuda A, Harford JB, Merajver SD (2009) “High proportion if inflammatory breast cancer in the Population-based Cancer Registry of Gharbiah, Egypt.” Breast J 15:342-344. [view article]


Abstracts from MECC Workshop on Psycho-Oncology: The Role and Involvement of the Patient’s Family. (J Pediatr Hematol Oncol, Volume 30, Supplement 1, November 2008) [view article]

Barak Y, Levy T, et al. (2008) "Breast cancer in women suffering from serious mental illness." Schizophr Res. [view article]

Barchana M, Levav I, Lipshitz I, Pugachova I, Kohn R, Weizman A, Grinshpon A. (2008) “Enhanced cancer risk among patients with bipolar disorder.” J Affect Disord. 2008 May; 108(1-2): 43-8. [view article]

Bingley A, Clark D (2009) A Comparative Review of Palliative Care Development in Six Countries Represented by the Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC). J. Pain Symptom Management 37(3): 287-296.
[view article]

Bingley A, Clark D. Palliative care in the region represented by the Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC): A Review and Comparative Analysis. National Cancer Institute, 2008. NIH Pub. No. 07-6230. Bethesda, MD [view monograph]

Bouchardy C, Fioretta G, et al. (2008) "Recent trends in prostate cancer mortality show a continuous decrease in several countries." Int J Cancer 123(2): 421-9. [view article]

Felix A, Soliman A, Khaled H, Zaghloul M, Banerjee M, El-Baradie M, El-Kalawy M, Abd-Elsayed A, Ismail K, Hablas A, Seifeldin I, Ramadan M, Wilson M. "The changing patterns of bladder cancer in Egypt over the past 26 years." Cancer Causes Control (2008) 19:421-429 DOI 10.1007/s10552-007-9104-7 [view article]

Kloog I, Haim A, Stevens RG, Barchana M, and Portnov BA (2008) “Light at Night Co-distributes with Incident Breast Cancer but not Lung Cancer in the Female Population of Israel.” Chronobiology International January 2008, 25(1): 65-81. [view article]

Lavie O, Barnett-Griness O, et al. (2008) "The risk of developing uterine sarcoma after tamoxifen use." Int J Gynecol Cancer 18(2): 352-6. [view article]

Lehman E, A Soliman, K Ismail, A Hablas, I Seifeldin, M Ramadan, H El-Hamzawy, C Shoushtari and M Wilson. Patterns of hepatocellular carcinoma incidence in Egypt from a population-based cancer registry. Hepatology Research 2008; 38: 465-473 doi: 10.1111/j.1872-034X.2007.00299.x [view article]

Levav I, Liphshitz I, Novikov I, Pugachova I, Kohn R, Barchana M, Ponizovsky A, Werner H; (2007) “Cancer risk among parents and siblings of patients with schizophrenia.” British Journal of Psychiatry. 2007; 190:156-161. [view article]

Nissan A, Peoples GE, et al. (2008) "Prospective trial evaluating electrical impedance scanning of thyroid nodules before thyroidectomy: Final Results." Ann Surg 247(5): 843-53. [view article]

Paltiel O, Friedlander Y, Deutsch L, Yanetz R, Calderon-Margalit R, Tiram E, Hochner H, Barchana M, Harlap S, Manor O. (2007) “The interval between cancer diagnosis among mothers and offspring in a population-based cohort.” Familial Cancer 2007, 11.;6(1):121-9. [view article]

Paltiel O, Yanetz R, et al. (2008) "Very high birth weight of offspring is associated with an increased risk of leukemia in their mothers: Results of a population-based cohort study." Leuk Res. [view article]

Pappo I, Lerner-Geva L, et al. (2008) "The possible association between IVF and breast cancer incidence." Ann Surg Oncol. 15(4): 1048-55. [view article]

Perrin MC, Terry MB, et al. (2008) "Gestational diabetes and the risk of breast cancer among women in the Jerusalem Perinatal Study." Breast Cancer Res Treat 108(1): 129-35. [view article]

Spector R, Liphshitz I, Barchana M, Kundel Y, Wasserberg N, Lelcuk S, Sulkes A, Brenner B. (2008) “High incidence of non-upper aero-digestive primary tumors in patients with esophageal cancer.” Dis Esophagus. 2008 Jun 17. [view article]

Tarabeia J, Green MS, Barchana M, Baron-Epel O, Ifrah A, Fishler Y, Nitzan-Kaluski D. (2008) "Increasing lung cancer incidence among Israeli Arab men reflects a change in the earlier paradox of low incidence and high smoking prevalence." Eur J Cancer Prev. 2008 Aug; 17(4): 291-6.

Workshop on the Stresses and Burnout of Working With Cancer Patients, Larnaca, Cyprus, June 22–24, 2007, A Collection of Abstracts (J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. Volume 30, Number 1, January 2008) [view abstract]


Burstyn I, Kromhout H, et al. (2007) "Bladder cancer incidence and exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons among asphalt pavers." Occup Environ Med 64(8): 520-6. [view article]

Eser S, “Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC)” in: Cancer Control in Turkey, ed. Tuncer M, Ministry of Health, Department of Cancer Control, Ankara, Turkey 2007. [view chapter]

Harlap, S., A. M. Davies, et al. (2007) "The Jerusalem Perinatal Study cohort,1964-2005: methods and a review of the main results." Paediatr Perinat Epidemio12l(3): 256-73. [view article]

Harlap S, Friedlander Y, Barchana M, Calderon R, Deutsch L, Kleinhaus KR, Perrin MC, Tiram E, Yanetz R, Paltiel O. (2007) “Late fetal death in offspring and subsequent incidence of prostate cancer in fathers: the Jerusalem Perinatal Study cohort.” Prostate 2007 June 15;67(9):989-98. [view article]

Lahav M, Maor Y, et al. (2007) "Nonsurgical management of asymptomatic incidental pancreatic cysts." Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 5(7): 813-7. [view article]

Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC) International Pediatric Oncology Meeting Abstracts - Istanbul, Turkey, November 2006 (J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. Volume 29, Supplement 1, June 2007) [view abstract]

Perrin MC, Terry MB, et al. (2007) "Gestational diabetes as a risk factor for pancreatic cancer: a prospective cohort study." BMC Med 5: 25. [view article]

Rennert G, Bisland-Naggan S, et al. (2007) "Clinical outcomes of breast cancer in carriers of BRCAI and BRCA2 mutations." N Engl J Med 357(2): 115-23. [view article]

Stiller, CA. (2007) "International patterns of cancer incidence in adolescents." Cancer Treat Rev 33(7): 631-45.
[view article]

Soliman AS, Lo AC, Banerjee M, El-Ghawalby N, Khaled HM, Bayoumi S, Seifeldin IA, Abdel-Aziz A, Abbruzzese JL, Greenson JK, Hamilton SR. “Differences in K-ras and p53 gene mutations among pancreatic adenocarcinomas associated with regional environmental pollution.” Carcinogenesis. 2007 Aug;28(8):1794-9.
[view article]

Tarabia I, Baron-Epel O, Barchana M, Liphshitz I, Ifrah A, Fishler Y, Green MS. (2007) “A comparison of trends in incidence and mortality rates of breast cancer, incidence to mortality ratio and stage at diagnosis between Arab and Jewish women in Israel, 1979-2002.” European Journal of cancer prevention; 2007 Feb; 16(1): 36-42.
[view article]

Vainrib M and Leibovitch I (2007) "Urological implications of concurrent bladder and lung cancer." Isr Med Assoc J 9(10): 732-5. [view article]


Bairey O, Ruchlemer R, et al. (2006) "Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas of the colon." Isr Med Assoc J 8(12): 832-5. [view article]

Freedman L, Guest Commentary: MECC Tracks Cancer Incidence through International Collaboration. NCI Cancer Bulletin, 2006, 3:8. [view commentary]

Freedman L, Edwards B, Ries L, Young J (eds.) Cancer Incidence in Four Member Countries (Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, and Jordan) of the Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC) Compared with US SEER. National Cancer Institute, 2006. NIH Pub. No. 06-5873. Bethesda, MD [view monograph]

Gotlieb WH, Barchana M, Ben-Baruch G, Friedman E. (2006) “Malignancies following bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO).” European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2006; 32(10): 1231-1234. [view article]

Lerner-Geva L, Keinan-Boker L, et al. (2006) "Infertility, ovulation induction treatments and the incidence of breast cancer--a historical prospective cohort of Israeli women." Breast Cancer Res Treat 100(2): 201-12. [view article]

Menczer I, Liphshitz I, Barchana M. (2006) “A decreasing incidence of ovarian carcinoma in Israel.” International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. 2006; 16(1): 41-44. [view article]

Paltiel O, Adler B, Barchana M, Dann EJ. (2006) “A population-based study of hairy cell leukemia in Israel.” European Journal of Hematology, 2006: 77: 372377. [view article]

Paltiel O, Laniado DE, et al. (2006) "The risk of cancer following hospitalization for infection in infancy: a population-based cohort study." Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 15(10): 1964-8. [view article]

Rozen P, Rosner G, Liphshitz I, Barchana M. (2006) “The changing incidence and sites of colorectal cancer in the Israeli Arab population and their clinical implications.” International Journal of Cancer 2007; 120(1): 147-151.
[view article]

Sadetzki S, Chetrit A, et al. (2006) "Risk of thyroid cancer after childhood exposure to ionizing radiation for tinea capitis." J Clin Endocrinol Metab 91(12): 4798-804. [view article]

Shah NM, Soliman AS, Benerjee M, Merajver SO, Ismail K, Seifeldin I, Hablas A, Zarzour A, Abdel-Aziz A, Ben Ayed F, Chamberlain RM. “Knowledge gained after a brief CME module on breast cancer diagnosis.” J Cancer Educ. 2006 Fall; 21(3): 169-74. [view article]


Barak Y,Achiron A, et al. (2005) "Reduced cancer incidence among patients with schizophrenia." Cancer 104(12): 2817-21. [view article]

Zimran A, Liphshitz I, Barchana M, Abrahamov A, Elstein D. (2005) “Incidence of malignancies among patients with type I Gaucher disease from a single referral clinic.” Blood Cells Molecules and Diseases, 2005, 34(3), 197-200. [view article]

Cullinane CA, Lubinski I, et al. (2005) "Effect of pregnancy as a risk factor for breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers." Int J Cancer 117(6): 988-91. [view article]

Dreiher I, Novack V, Barachana M, Yerushalmi R, Lugassy G, Shpilberg O. (2005) “Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and residential proximity to toxic industrial waste in southern Israel.” Haematologica 90;(10): 1709-1710. [view article]

Grinshpoon A, Barchana M., Ponizovsky A, Lipshitz I, Nahon D, Tal O, Weizman A, Levav I. (2005) “Cancer in schizophrenia: is the risk higher or lower?” Schizophrenia Research 2005, 73(2-3), 331-341. [view article]

Rennert G, Almog R, Tomsho LP, Low M, Pinchev M, Chaiter Y, Bonner JD, Rennert HS (2009) “Colorectal Polyps in Carriers of the APCI1307K Polymorphism” Dis Colon Rectum 48: 2317–2321 [view article]

Rennert G, Dishon S, et al. (2005) "Differences in the characteristics of families with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in Israel." Eur J Cancer Prev. 14(4): 357-61. [view article]

Sadetzki S, Flint-Richter P, et al. (2005) "Genotyping of patients with sporadic and radiation-associated meningiomas." Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 14(4): 969-76. [view article]


Barchana M, Liphshitz I, Rozen P. (2004) "Trends in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality in the Israeli Jewish ethnic populations." Familial Cancer, 2004; 3 (3-4): 207-214 [view article]

Paltiel O, Friedlander Y, Tiram E, Barchana M, Xue X, Harlap S. (2004) “Cancer after pre-eclampsia: follow up of the Jerusalem perinatal study cohort.” British Medical Journal 2004;(328), 7445:919-923 [view article]

Paltiel O, Harlap S, Deutsch L, Knaanie A, Massalha S, Tiram, Barchana M and Friedlander Y (2004) “Birth weight and other risk factors for acute leukemia in the Jerusalem Perinatal Study cohort.” Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 2004; 13(6): 1057-1064. [view article]


Dankner R, Goldbourt U, et al. (2003) "Predictors of cardiac and noncardiac mortality among 14,697 patients with coronary heart disease." Am J Cardiol 91(2): 121-7. [view article]

Freedman LS, Barchana M, Al Kayed S, Qasem MB, Young JL, Edwards BK et al. (2003) “A comparison of population-based cancer incidence rates in Israel and Jordan.” European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2003; 12(5): 359-365. [view article]

Guttman-Yassky E, Bar-Chana M, Yukelson A, Linn S, Friedman-Birnbaum R, (2003) "Epidemiology of classic Kaposi's sarcoma in the Israeli Jewish population between 1960 and 1998." Br J Cancer 89(9): 1657-60.
[view article]

Lerner-Geva L, Geva E, et al. (2003) "The possible association between in vitro fertilization treatments and cancer development." Int J Gynecol Cancer 13(1): 23-7. [view article]

Sadetzki S, Calderon-Margalit R, Peretz C, Novikov I, Barchana M, Papa MZ. (2003) “Second primary breast and thyroid cancers (Israel).” Cancer Causes and Control 2003; 14(4): 367-375. [view article]


Ben Izhak O, Bar-Chana M, Sussman L, Dobiner V, Sandbank J, Cagnano M. (2002) “Ki67 antigen and PCNA proliferation markers predict survival in anorectal malignant melanoma.” Histopathology 2002; 41(6): 519-525.
[view article]

Dar J, Lerner-Geva L, et al. (2002) "Cancer incidence in a cohort of infertile women who underwent in vitro fertilization." Fertil Steril77(2): 324-7. [view article]

Grossman Z, Iscovich I, et al. (2002) "Absence of Kaposi sarcoma among Ethiopian immigrants to Israel despite high seroprevalence of human herpesvirus 8." Mayo Clin Proc 77(9): 905-9. [view article]

Juven Y and Sadetzki S (2002) "A possible association between ionizing radiation and pituitary adenoma: a descriptive study." Cancer 95(2): 397-403. [view article]

Rennert H, Bercovich D, et al. (2002) "A novel founder mutation in the RNASEL gene, 471delAAAG, is associated with prostate cancer in Ashkenazi Jews." Am J Hum Genet 71(4): 981-4. [view article]


Baron-Epel O, Andreev H, Barhana M, Green MS. (2001) “Differences in trends of lung carcinoma by histology type in Israeli Jews and Arabs, 1981-1995.” European Journal of Epidemiology 2001; 17 (1):11-18. [view article]

Benshushan A, Paltiel O, Brzezinski A, Tanos V, Barchana M, Shoshani O, Gordon L, Tsur L, Schenker JG. (2001) “Ovulation induction and risk of endometrial cancer: a pilot study.” European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2001; 98(1): 53-57. [view article]

Boker LK, Blumstein T, et al. (2001) "Incidence of leukemia and other cancers in Down syndrome subjects in Israel." Int J Cancer 93(5): 741-4. [view article]

Bray I, Brennan P, et al. (2001) "Recent trends and future projections of lymphoid neoplasms--a Bayesian age-period-cohort analysis." Cancer Causes Control 12(9): 813-20. [view article]

Brenner B, Sulkes A, Rakowsky E, Feinmesser M, Yukelson A, Bar-Haim E, Katz A, Barhana M, Fenig E. (2001) “Second neoplasms in patients with Merkel cell carcinoma.” Cancer 2001; 91(7): 1358-1362. [view article]

Corley DA, and Buffler PA. (2001) "Oesophageal and gastric cardia adenocarcinomas: analysis of regional variation using the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents database." Int J Epidemio130(6): 1415-25. [view article]

Freedman LS, Al Kayed S, Qasem MB, Barchana M, Boyiadzis M, E1 Najjar K et al. (2001) “Cancer registration in the Middle East.” Epidemiology 2001; 12(1): 131-133. [view article]

Liel Y, Ariad S, Barchana M. (2001) "Long-Term Follow-Up of Patients with Initially Benign Thyroid Fine-Needle Aspirations" Thyroid. 11(8): 775-779. [view article]

Soliman AS, Bondy ML, EI-Badawy SA, Mokhtar N, Eissa S, Bayoumy S, Seifeldin IA, Houlihan PS, Lukish JR, Watanabe T, Chan AO, Zhu O, Amos, CI, Levin B Hamilton SR. “Contrasting molecular pathology of colorectal carcinoma in Egyptian and Western patients. Br J Cancer.” 2001 Sep 28;85(7): 1037-46. [view article]


Ariad S, Barchana M, Yukelson A, Geffen DB. (2000) “A worrying increase in the incidence of mesothelioma in Israel.” Israel Medical Association Journal 2000; 2(11): 828-832. [view article]

Hsing, AW, L. Tsao, et al. (2000) "International trends and patterns of prostate cancer incidence and mortality." Int J Cancer 85(1): 60-7. [view article]

Lerner-Geva L, Toren A, et al. (2000) "The risk for cancer among children of women who underwent in vitro fertilization." Cancer 88(12): 2845-7. [view article]

Modan B, Keinan L, et al. (2000) "Cancer following cardiac catheterization in childhood." Int J Epidemio129(3): 424-8. [view article]

Paltiel O, Schmit T, Adler B, Rachmilevitz EA, Polliack A, Cohen A, Haim N, Shachar MB, Epelbaum R, Barchana M, Cohen R, Ben Yehuda D. (2000) “The incidence of lymphoma in first-degree relatives of patients with Hodgkin disease and non-Hodgkin lymphoma: results and limitations of a registry- linked study.” Cancer; 88(10): 2357-2366 [view article]

Vizcaino AP, Moreno V, et al. (2000) "International trends in incidence of cervical cancer: II. Squamous-cell carcinoma." Int J Cancer 86(3): 429-35. [view article]