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Dialysis Facility Compare Information

Searching For Dialysis Facilities

Step 1: Location

Search for dialysis facilities by entering either a ZIP code, a city and state, or a state in the "Location" field. This is a required step.

Step 2: Facility Name

Once you have entered the location, you can refine the search by entering a full or partial dialysis facility name. This is an optional step.

Step 3: Search and Results

Select the yellow “Search Dialysis Facilities” button to get your search results.

Dialysis Facility Start Your Search Page

Figure 1 - Start your search

After you select the yellow "Search Dialysis Facilities" button, a "Dialysis Facility Results" page should be displayed. This page contains a list of Dialysis Facility Information, Distance, Shifts Starting After 5PM, Number of Hemodialysis Stations, In-Center Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, Home Hemodialysis Training.

Search results are limited to 20 facilities on each page.

Selecting the “View Map” and “View Table” links toggle between the map and table views.

Select the question mark ([?]) image to get contextual help.

Dialysis Facility Results Page Table View

Figure 2 - Results page - Table view

The "Dialysis Facility Results" page also has an "Add to My Favorites" option which allows you to add the facility to your favorites table in . If you are logged into, you will be navigated to the workflow pages. If you are not logged into, you will be navigated to the login page.

Selecting the checkbox or the marker on the map view lets you select the facility(s) to compare. You can select up to 3 facilities at a time for comparison.

Dialysis Facility Results Page Map View

Figure 3 - Results page - Map view

Step 4: Compare Page

After selecting up to three facilities to compare, select “Compare Now” to view facilities side by side. You can compare the following data on the Compare page using the following tabs:

  • General Information
  • Best Treatment Practices
  • Hospitalizations & Deaths

Dialysis Facility Compare Page General Information

Figure 4 - Compare page - General Information

Step 5: Profile Page

Select the facility name to view all information about that particular facility. You will be taken to the Profile page with the following tabs:

  • General Information
  • Best Treatment Practices
  • Hospitalizations & Deaths

Dialysis Facility Profile Page General Information

Figure 5 - Profile page - General Information

Step 6: Modify Your Results

Modify your search results if you are not satisfied with your original search results. With the “Modify Your Results” section you can change your search in any of the following ways:

  • Location : You will be able to keep or change your ZIP code or city, state. You may also change the radius that you are searching in (the range is between 1 and 200 miles).
  • Find Dialysis Facilities : This option allows you to filter facilities based on the options available at the facility.
  • Dialysis Facility Name : This option allows you to filter facilities based on the full or partial name entered.

Once you have modified your search, select the orange "Update Results” button to see results based on the new search criteria.

Green buttons list more information.

You can get background information about Dialysis Facility Compare and the data by using the green buttons below the “Dialysis Facility Compare” header. They are grouped into four main categories mentioned below:

  • About Dialysis Facility Compare
  • About the Data
  • Resources
  • Help

These pages are accessible from all main workflow pages (Home, Results, Compare and Profile) by clicking on their respective green buttons.

Dialysis Facility Static Buttons

Figure 6 - Green Buttons

About Dialysis Facility Compare

Dialysis Facility About Dialysis Facility Compare Page

Figure 7 - About Dialysis Facility Compare page - What is Dialysis Facility Compare?

The “About Dialysis Facility Compare” static pages provide information about different dialysis facilities, their services, associated quality measures, types of care and how this information can be used.

About the Data

Dialysis Facility About the Data Page

Figure 8 - About the Data page - About the Data

The “About the Data” static pages provide information about the facilities data sources, their collection periods, downloadable databases and their quality measures calculations.


Dialysis Facility Resources Page

Figure 9 - Resources page - Patient Checklists

The “Resources” static pages provide information about patient rights, quality of care concerns, definitions for commonly used kidney diseases terms, related websites, medicare publications, glossary and answers to frequently asked questions.