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Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data

Mineral Resources > Online Spatial Data > Mineral Resources Data System

Complete data dictionary for MRDS

Tables and fields explained here are available only as part of the comprehensive download package

Table Description
ages Geologic ages associated with host or associated rocks or with mineralization at the site.
alteration Mineralogical and chemical alteration at or near the site, which may help to indicate the geographic extent of the geological processes producing the deposit.
analytical_data Results of chemical or mineralogical analysis on materials at or near the site
comments Additional textual information about a site or deposit.
commodity Mineral commodities present at the site, whether exploited commercially or not.
conc_proc Processes that concentrated or enriched the mineralization of the deposit
coords Geographic coordinates of the site or deposit
datadxny Data dictionary explains purpose of tables and contents of fields
deposits Site identification and general characteristics
districts Formal or informal mining district names.
dups Relationships among database records, typically to identify records that seem to describe the same resource, but also records that describe part of another resource or a larger system of which the other resource is a part.
groupings Categories or sets of records that share some administrative characteristic such as being part of a given study or analysis.
holdings Mineral rights ownership information
land_status Land status information
location Geographic areas overlapping the resource
materials Minerals or other materials present in the deposit
model Mineral deposit model of the site
names Names associated with the site
orebody Characteristics of the ore body
ore_control Controls on emplacement of ore such as faults or other structural features
other_dbs Other database records pertaining to the site. May include obsolete or predecessor databases as well as those maintained by other Federal agencies.
ownership Resource ownership information
physiography Physiographic area where the resource is found
plss_coordinates Public land survey system descriptions of the location
production Production information
production_detail Details of the production statistics
reference Bibliographic references
reporter Reporters who compiled or edited information about the site.
resources Resource estimates for the site or deposit
resource_detail Resource details
rocks Geological materials at the site
structure Geologic structural features affecting or characterizing the site or deposit
tectonic Tectonic setting in which the site or deposit is situated
workings Workings at the site

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Page Last modified: 17:34 on 28-Feb-2012