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About ORF: title over image of architectural detail    Supporting NIH priorities by providing safe, secure, sound, healthy, and attractive facilities   

Building 6, 6A and 6B

Buildings 6


The major renovation of Building 6 Science Complex rehabilitates the oldest operational laboratory on the NIH Bethesda campus. Opened in 1936, it was originally used as a cancer research facility and is part of the NIH historical core of buildings. Renovation provides state of the art research facilities for the National Eye Institute, the National Institute of Child Health and Development, National Human Genome Research Institute, and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Specialized features include Nuclear Magnetic Resonators as well as a Zebra Fish study facility.

Open house and ribbon cutting took place June 23, 2009

Building Other Names:

Bethesda Campus

Available Service(s):
NIH Lactation Program

This page last updated on Dec 08, 2011