
Search Notes for the Week Ending February 8, 2013

Highlighted Feature

You can now access your raw HTTP logs. These logs contain valuable data on searches, clicks and USASearch tag page loads. 

Read How to Access Your Raw Logs for more details about how to request secure FTP access to your logs.

Other Features

  • We open sourced all of the code that powers our Recalls Server API in Github.
  • Searchers are now able to search and see results from collections that are not visible in the left-hand navigation on your “main” web results. You can use this option to provide a search box on a small subset of content (such as a policy manual or meeting minutes) while not cluttering up the left-hand navigation on your main results page. (It also helps reduce the likelihood that searchers experience a “dead end” on your main results page.)


  • We upgraded to CentOS 6.3.
  • We optimized the routing of search queries so that they’re served by the geographically closest datacenter. 

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