United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Bay Pines VA Healthcare System



Primary Care and Specialty Services

Primary care allows you to identify one physician and team responsible for servicing all of your VA healthcare needs.  Our goal is that this coordinated effort will help you remain healthy and have a better quality of life.  In addition, we offer a wide range of specialty care services which can be consulted by your primary care team to provide additional care and treatment when needed.  We provide primary and mental health care at all of our locations.  Some of our Community Based Outpatient Clinics provide limited specialty services with the bulk of specialty care offered at the Bay Pines campus.  Read more about these services. 

Inpatient Acute Care Programs

We offer inpatient acute care for medical, rehabilitation, surgical, and psychiatric conditions.  All of our inpatient services are provided at the Bay Pines campus. Read more about these programs. 

Inpatient Residential Programs

We offer a wide range of inpatient residential programs from long term care (i.e. Nursing home care) to homeless programs, PTSD, and substance abuse treatment.  Our residential programs are located on the Bay Pines  campus with a goal to create a home-like, non-institutional setting. Read more about these programs. 

Surgical Services

We have a broad offering of surgical services in both day surgery and inpatient programs.   Some limited surgical services are offered in our Community Based Outpatient Clinics with the bulk of day and inpatient surgeries performed at the Bay Pines campus. Read more about these services.

Home and Community Care

We offer a variety of services available in your home and the community to maintain and monitor your health status.  The goal of these services are to bring health care to your door and/or provide an environment for you to maintain your health status. Read more about these services. 

Homeless Veterans Care

Healthcare for Homeless Veterans is one of our priority missions and we offer a wide range of services to combat homelessness among Vets. Read more about this program.

Ancillary & Support Services

Our administrative, ancillary, and support services are available to support your healthcare needs and answer questions you may have about our processes. Read more about these services. 

** All services are not available at all locations


Primary and Specialty Care
Inpatient Acute Care Programs
Inpatient Residential Programs
Surgical Services
Home and Community Care
Homeless Veterans Care
Ancillary & Support Services