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Environment: title over image of the green banks of a creek and stone bridge    Protecting and enhancing the NIH environment   

DEP Construction Dumpster Program

The Division of Environmental Protection (DEP) is now providing construction dumpsters for all construction and renovation projects on the Bethesda Campus. DEP is covering all costs related to the dumpsters.  DEP is providing this service as part of our on-going efforts to achieve sustainable facility operations and LEEDS compliance where possible.


We have identified local facilities that can process construction debris and recycle it to the maximum degree possible.  Our service includes: providing 30 yard open-top containers to specified locations on the Bethesda Campus; pulling the dumpster when requested to our recycling facilities; and returning the dumpster to its on-site location if it is still needed.  We will be receiving reports that summarize the types and quantities of debris recycled for each project.  DEP plans to be the data warehouse that keeps all of this data campus-wide for tracking and reports as required by various environmental mandates and data calls. DEP will also provide all required reports needed when the project is seeking LEEDS certification. 


The most common materials that we expect to recycle include:  carpeting and pads (all types), scrap metal (includes all types of metals and all forms such as ductwork, valves, shelving, etc.), wood and lumber, crushed asphalt, concrete, masonry, gypsum wallboard, and plastic materials.  The only construction debris material that should not be placed into the debris dumpster is ceiling tiles.  Please ask your contractors to separate and stack these on the loading docks.  Our on-site contractor will carefully collect them for consolidation and recycling.  Ceiling tiles must be palletized on the loading dock to all allow for removal.  Broken ceiling tiles will not be accepted.  Cardboard generated from any projects should not be placed in the dumpsters.  Cardboard is to be flattened and left on the loading dock for collection by our on-site recycling contractor.  Our on-site contractor collects loading dock cardboard at each dock in the mornings and afternoons.


The construction debris dumpster must be placed within secured, temporary fencing.  The purpose of this enclosure is to prevent scavenging of scrap metal and the illegal dumping by other small contractors operating on campus.

This page last updated on Dec 08, 2011