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Doing Business in the USA

On this page, you will find a quick description of resources available for companies in France considering investments in the United States and some suggestions for getting started.

Investing in the USA
The United States is the world’s largest economy and has the world’s third-largest population, with a gross domestic product of over $14 trillion and a population of more than 310 million people. It is also one of the richest economies in the world. The country’s per capita GDP of over $47,000 leads all major developed economies. In addition, the United States maintains free trade agreements with 17 partner countries that produced a combined $5 trillion dollars in 2010—giving investors in the United States unparalleled access to diverse markets across the globe.

Getting Started

  1. Visit the website to obtain general information about investing in the United States. SelectUSA seeks to highlight the many advantages the United States offers as location for business and investment.  From a vast domestic market, to a transparent legal system, to the most innovative companies in the world, America is the place for business.  On the website you can browse business incentives offered by different states and territories. Most U.S. states have an economic development office based in Europe. Please visit the website of the Council of American States in Europe for more information.
  2. Contact us at the U.S. Commercial Service to discuss your interests and needs.
  3. - Official website of the United States Small Business Administration. Web site’s focus is on small and medium-sized business, but much of the information is applicable to businesses of all sizes.
  4. Cluster Mapping Tool - The Project aims to provide policymakers and development practitioners across America with the data and tools for assessing regional cluster strengths, business environment characteristics, and innovation assets; with case studies on and toolkits for formulating development strategies; and with a directory profiling active cluster initiatives throughout the country
  5. Business Law & Regulations -  This section helps you with the day-to-day legal issues that could affect your small business.
  6. State and Local Regulations - Step-by-step instructions for complying with state and local regulations when starting or running a business.


  • Conference

Succeed in America

  • On January 29, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris, in partnership with the Embassy of the United States of America, will host a series of expert presentations on the business environment in the United States and opportunities for French participation in the U.S. market.  Experts will also be available for individual meetings to advise participants on current or proposed projects in the United States.  Space is limited, so register soon.  For more information and to register, click here.  If you have any questions, please contact