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Transportation Research > DOT Research Clusters > Economics

Economics Research Cluster   

This cluster promotes the research technologies and information resources that best helps the Department in addressing lifecycle and other key transportation economics issues and topics.

If you would like to participate in this cluster by posting your research and commenting on the work of others, please click here to register.

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Announcements: Share and View the Latest News

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Shared Documents: Upload, Create and View Files

Rypinski  Homan_VMT  Demo_EcCluster_10-2011.pptxRypinski Homan_VMT Demo_EcCluster_10-2011No presence informationAnthony Homan
Oil Spills Prevention Policy Effectiveness (OPA90).pdfOil Spills Prevention Policy Effectiveness (OPA90)No presence informationAnthony Homan
Container Port Demand Model.pptxContainer Port Demand ModelNo presence informationAnthony Homan
HighSpeedRailtools.docxHighSpeedRailtoolsNo presence informationAnthony Homan
Financial Impact on Transportation of 911 and Federal Homeland Security Policy.docFinancial Impact on Transportation of 911 and Federal Homeland Security PolicyNo presence informationAnthony Homan
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Discussion Board: Post your Questions and Answers

No presence informationDavid KuehnReply Reply0
No presence informationAnthony HomanReply Reply0
No presence informationMJ FioccoReply Reply1

Interactive Calendar: Share and Discover Events

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Useful Links: Share Your Favorite Sites

 Society for Bnefit Cost Analysis
 Society of Government Economists
 National Economist's Club
 National Association of Business Economists
 Transportation Research Project & Program Management Community
 Transportation Research Board
 Research and Innovative Technology Administration
 US Department of Transportation

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