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Community Planning and Development
Tribal Directory Assessment Tool (TDAT) v2.0

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TDAT User Guide V.2

Feedback & Corrections
Send corrections and updates, as well as feedback on how the Tribal Directory Assessment Tool may be improved to

To submit corrections and updates for the database, 1) use Select a Tribe to display existing database information, 2) press Export to Excel button, 4) highlight cells that have changed using a Fill Color of yellow, 5) save the revised file with the name "[tribe’s name] TDAT Revisions", and 6) send the revised Excel file as an email attachment.


Query Request

You have requested to run a query on tribal information for Arizona. If you would like to see additional information for a specific county, please use the list below.

 State/County queries:

 Select a County in Arizona. To select multiple counties, use 'Ctrl+click'.

Follow this link to Get All Tribes for Arizona.

Follow this link to Return to the Tribal Main page.   


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