Missile Technology FAQs

  • What kind of documentation or information is required in support of a license application for an item subject to missile technology export controls or when the item to be exported will be used in a missile project or program?
  • What are government-to-government assurances (i.e. Missile Technology Assurances) and why does my export require them before my license is approved and issued?
  • I am a manufacturer of inertial navigation systems (INS) that are MTCR-controlled. We often get calls from airlines for replacement of broken bench stock spares or INS units in permanent service. Are there any license exceptions that I can use?
  • Do special rules apply for exporting missile technology to China?
  • When is a license required for export of non-MT controlled items for use in missile activities?
  • What is the “no undercut” policy in the MTCR?
  • How does EPCI affect exports of items for missile-related activities?
  • We recently received an offer to supply a gear making machine (ECCN 2B993) to a tank and cannon factory in China. My boss told me to apply for a license because of EPCI. Is this an EPCI activity?
  • I am a distributor of college textbooks. I often get requests from foreign customers for engineering textbooks containing information on missile technology. Should I be worried about EPCI/“catch-all” controls?
  • My firm recently had an export license for a machine tool denied. The reason for denial was missile-related. This item isn't even controlled for missile reasons. What's going on?
  • What factors are used to evaluate “catch-all” items?
  • What license exceptions are available for MT items?
  • What is meant by Category I, Category II, and MTCR-controlled missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles?