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  1. Recent Posts by Others on John BarrassoSee All
    • Terri Lynn
       Is Treason now called foreign aid? Too bad we don't have the funds to secure our schools or defend our soldiers... Fed up yet?
      2 · about an hour ago
    • Terri Lynn
       I am very afraid for our country. Our Elected Officials swore an Oath to Defend the Constitution of the United States to uphold it’s Laws. And if they Refuse to Do so, it is Treason!!!
      about an hour ago
    • Terri Lynn
       I am very afraid for our country. Our Elected Officials swore an Oath to Defend the Constitution of the United States to uphold it’s Laws. And if they Refuse to Do so, it is Treason!!!
      about an hour ago
    • Terri Lynn
       This will not end up well for Americans Senator Barrasso!
      about an hour ago
    • RE: Investigate And Then Impeach Obama On Benghazi-Gate Now! Enough is enough. The American people are sick and tired of your empty promises, your pointless pontifications and your needless delays on Benghazi-gate. When the Benghazi-gate scandal first broke over three months ago, the American people were simply asking whether or not the occupant of the Oval Office was lying to cover-up foreign policy ineptitude prior to an election. Now, as more information comes to light, the American people are asking whether or not the occupant of the Oval Office is lying to cover-up something far more sinister; namely, treasonous and impeachable collaboration with America's enemies abroad. There are too many unanswered and disturbing questions. What was the Obama Regime's full role in aiding Jihadists, al Qaeda terrorists, and so-called Western-backed revolutionaries in Libya in the first place? What was actually going on at the consulate in Benghazi, was Ambassador Christopher Stevens recruiting and arming Jihadists and terrorists to wage secret and unconstitutional wars in the Middle East? Was the lack of security at the consulate and the idiotic promotion of a YouTube video narrative a ploy to conceal the extent of the lawlessness and utter chaos left in the wake of Obama’s potentially unconstitutional and impeachable actions? It's clear. Benghazi-Gate is only a small piece of what may be a much larger criminal enterprise that may very well bring the Obama Regime down; it may very well be an attempt to conceal what The New American calls; "the Obama administration’s full role in helping violent Jihadists [and] self-styled al Qaeda terrorists" and it's well within the realm of possibility that Barack Obama's role in this scandal is treasonous. Congress has the power and constitutional authority to get to the bottom of this mess and the American people will not rest until you do your constitutional duty. Benghazi-gate is not just going to go away and aiding the Obama Regime in sweeping this scandal under the rug, through negligence, will not be tolerated. Investigate this scandal and when the investigation is complete, Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!
      1 · 4 hours ago
  2. The 113th Congress was sworn in today. It's an honor to represent the people of Wyoming in US Senate for 6 more years.
    Photo: The 113th Congress was sworn in today. It's an honor to represent the people of Wyoming in US Senate for 6 more years.
  3. I'll be on CNN today at 1:10 pm (ET) 11:10 am (MT) with Suzanne Malveaux.
  4. I'll be on CNN at 12:28 pm (ET) 10:28 am (MT) to respond to President Obama's Fiscal Cliff remarks.
  5. This morning I talked about the Fiscal Cliff on CNN's "State of the Union."
  6. Will sit down with Greta Van Susteren on FOX News tonight at 8 pm MT (10 pm ET) to talk about the fiscal cliff.
  7. Looking forward to joining Sean Hannity tonight on FOX News at approximately 7:20 pm MT (9:20 pm ET) to talk about today’s Senate hearing on Libya and the Fiscal Cliff.
  8. I'll be on FOX News "America's Newsroom" this morning at 7:10 am MT (9:10 am ET) to talk about this morning's Senate hearing on Libya.
  9. I wrote an Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal today about Harry Reid’s filibuster coup attempt and if Senate Democrats succeed with their new plan, they will destroy any hope of achieving a balanced solution to the challenges we face.
  10. Check out today’s Washington Post story that highlights a Senate RPC fact sheet on the November unemployment report. The story points out that unemployment would be 10.7% if the labor force participation rate were at the same rate as when President Obama took office.
  11. I'll be on CNBC's “Squawk on the Street” at around 10:30 am (ET) 8:30 am (MT) to talk about the Fiscal Cliff.
  12. I'm about to go on FOX News' "Happening Now" at 11:00 am (ET) 9:00 am (MT) to talk about Libya.

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