Nicaragua Compact

Compact Closeout

MCA Nicaragua Strengthens Value Chains to Promote Sustainable Economic Growth

The Rural Business Development Project in MCC's Nicaragua Compact has had an important, positive impact on the dairy sector and in the lives of many farmers, particularly those growing plantains.

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Policies Matter: Promoting the Sustainability of MCC’s Road Investments in Nicaragua

Before 2005 Nicaragua's road maintenance budget was $2.4 million for 500 km of roads. Discover how MCC's investment helped bolster both roads and road maintenance.

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In July 2005, the Millennium Challenge Corporation signed a five-year, $175 million compact with the Government of Nicaragua to support those living in the León and Chinandega region by significantly increasing incomes of rural farmers and entrepreneurs. The investments in three strategic projects will reduce transportation costs, improve access to markets, strengthen property rights, increase investments, and raise incomes for farms and rural businesses. The compact in Nicaragua entered into force (EIF) in May 2006, formally initiating the five-year timeline for project implementation. The compact closed out in May 2011.

On July 3, 2009, MCC terminated funding under the compact in response to a pattern of actions by the Government of Nicaragua inconsistent with MCC’s eligibility criteria. Funding was terminated for all activities in the Property Regularization Project and for activities in the Transportation Project, including upgrading a major stretch of the Pacific Corridor highway, which were not already under contract. Due to that partial termination, MCC has reduced the amount of funding available to Nicaragua from $175,000,000 to $113,500,000.

Horizontal bar chart

as of September 30, 2011

  •  Total Grant Value:
  •  Total Amount Committed:
    $112,731,435 (99%)
  •  Total Amount Expended:
    $112,776,357 (99%)
    Expenditures are the sum of cash outlays and quarterly accruals for work completed but not yet paid or invoiced.
  • Signed:
    July 15, 2005
  • Entry into Force:
    May 26, 2006
  • Program Completed:
    May 26, 2011

This project was terminated effective July 3, 2009.  Prior to termination a pilot project was implemented that resulted in 2,865 property titles.

  • Project Amount: $7,210,000.00

This project aims to increase profits and wages in farms and non-farm businesses that help develop higher-profit agriculture and agribusiness enterprises in the departments of León and Chinandega.

  • Provide business development services, disseminates market information, and develops improved production techniques, and
  • Provide technical assistance to small and medium farms and agribusinesses transition to higher profit activities;
  • Project Amount: $32,900,000.00

This project aims to reduce transportation costs between Nicaraguan production centers and national, regional and global markets.

  • Upgrade 18 kilometers of highway between Villanueva and Guasaule to better link producers in northwestern Nicaragua to commercial centers in Honduras and El Salvador, and
  • Upgrade 50 kilometers of rural secondary routes to improve community access to markets and social services.
  • Project Amount: $58,000,000.00

MCA-Nicaragua Compact Closeout Video

Discover how MCC’s $113.5 million compact with Nicaragua rehabilitated roadways, helped set up successful rural businesses and improved the legalization of urban and rural property titles in the Department of León.

Watch the video

MCA-Nicaragua Compact Closeout Video



Discover how MCC’s $113.5 million compact with Nicaragua rehabilitated roadways, helped set up successful rural businesses and improved the legalization of urban and rural property titles in the Department of León.