INSTALLATION STATUS: Welcome to Fort Hood’s web presence. For post information please call: 254-287-1110. If you notice any Suspicious Activity report it to: 254-288-COPS.

Welcome to Fort Hood’s web presence. For post information please call: 254-287-1110. If you notice any Suspicious Activity report it to: 254-288-COPS.


Map to Ft HoodDriving to Fort Hood…

If you’re driving a vehicle without a DoD vehicle registration sticker, you’ll need to enter Fort Hood through the Bernie Beck Gate. Take the Fort Hood Main Gate exit off U.S. Hwy. 190 on the west side of Killeen.  Temporary passes are available at the Marvin Leath Visitors Center. A state registration document for the vehicle, a valid state driver’s license and proof of insurance will be required to drive on the installation.

The Marvin Leath Visitor Control Center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.   You obtain a pass or DOD decal and show valid form of ID to gain access to the post.

Arriving by bus…

If arriving by bus at the Killeen Bus Terminal, there are taxis that will transport you for a small fare. Direct phones are located in the terminal.

Rail service is not available to Killeen. The closest passenger station is in Temple, about 25 miles to the East. Taxi and Bus service is available for transportation to Fort Hood for a fare.

Flying in to Central Texas…

If you fly in to the Killeen-Fort Hood Regional Airport, ground transportation is available to Fort Hood. If you need help at the airport, contact the Liaison NCO located near the baggage claim area.


Should you encounter any difficulties, or have any questions upon your arrival, contact the
Soldier Welcome & Care Center by calling (254) 287-3832. This office is open 24 hours daily.

Weather Forecasts…

The average rainfall for Robert Gray Airport is 31.26 inches. Most precipitation (more than three inches per month) occurs during the months of May-June and October. January is the month with the least amount of precipitation. The average temperature is 67 degrees F, with the mean range 38 degrees F to 94 degrees F.

Things You Should Know About Being in Texas


The Legal Limit in Texas is .08 blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Texas also has a zero tolerance law. For anyone under 21, it is illegal to drive with any detectable amount of alcohol.

  • Seat Belt use is mandatory both on post and in the state of Texas.
  • Helmets must be worn while operating a motorcycle on and off post.
  • A Soldier who does not have a state-issued driver’s license can obtain one from Texas. Requirements and information on obtaining a Texas driving license can be found on
  • Using a cell phone is prohibited while driving.  Hands-free devices are permitted.

Again the weather…

It’s hot and dry in Fort Hood during the summer. Care should be exercised to prevent heat related injuries. It takes up to two weeks to become adequately acclimatized. Drink adequate fluids before and during heavy activity, or while on exercises.  Don’t wait until you get thirsty. Your body feels less thirsty the more dehydrated you get, although you need more fluid.  Avoid fluids that contain alcohol, caffeine, or sugar.  There isn’t much shade so wear protective clothing that reduces the skin’s exposure to the sun.


Tornadoes occur in all 50 states, but the Midwest and Southeast are the most vulnerable. Tornadoes are nature’s most violent storms and can leave an area devastated in seconds. They may first appear as a pale tube, which turns black after it touches the ground and begins picking up debris. Objects as large and heavy as railroad cars have been picked up and deposited hundreds of feet away. The spinning, twisting funnel contains winds with speeds that may approach 300 miles per hour. They occur most frequently during April, May, and June.

Terms used to describe tornado threats…

  • Tornado Watch: A watch is given when weather conditions are favorable for the formation of tornadoes. During a tornado watch, keep an eye on the weather. If you see any revolving funnel shaped clouds, report them to the police department, sheriff’s office or dial 911. Listen for weather updates, and be prepared to take shelter immediately.
  • Tornado Warning: A warning indicates a tornado has been sighted or spotted on radar. Warnings will give the location of the tornado sighting and the area immediately affected by the warning. Seek shelter immediately.

Emergency Alert & News…

Fort Hood has a mass communication emergency system. During emergencies, a loud-siren tone will sound and will be followed by a message describing the emergency with immediate instructions to follow.  More information will also be available as soon as possible on radio and television.

Information on post closures and driving conditions and weather will be available on the Fort Hood Website at:  The weather alert hotline number is 287-6700.  Callers will hear a recorded message about when, or if, to report to work during bad weather events.


Kennel facilities are limited at the Poxon Guest House for families residing in guest quarters.

All Fort Hood pets three months of age and older must be registered with the Veterinary Treatment Facility, within seven days of initial arrival and annually thereafter.