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President Obama Greets a MEPI Alumna at the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship; Washington, D.C. © White House

President Obama Greets a MEPI Alumna at the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship; Washington, D.C.

MEPI's mission is to create vibrant partnerships between America and the citizens of the Middle East and North Africa to empower them to build more pluralistic, participatory, and prosperous societies throughout the region. 

Partnership is more than a slogan of the Obama Administration; it is a foundational principle of U.S. diplomacy.  President Obama and Secretary Clinton have made partnership a cornerstone of our engagement with Muslim communities, and it is the guiding principle of MEPI.  Partnerships between the U.S., the private sector and non-governmental organizations of the Middle East and North Africa are facilitated by MEPI's work in the region.

Ultimately, MEPI seeks to transform the U.S. relationship with citizens of the Middle East and North Africa.  Through MEPI projects, we want citizens to view the United States as a partner in their efforts to create positive changes in their own societies.