Volpe National Transportation System Center
Welcome to the Volpe Center
Volpe applies its expertise to support improved performance and safety of the national airspace.

About Us

Part of the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Volpe, The National Transportation Systems Center, is a critical resource for innovation in transportation. Our mission is to improve the nation's transportation system by anticipating emerging transportation issues and to serve as a center of excellence for informed decision making.

Meet Volpe 2012

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Volpe brings together thought leaders and experts from across the transportation enterprise, hosting ongoing speaker series that are open to the public. Join us in person or via webinar for our next event:

Terrence M. (Terry) Sheehan

February 28, 2013: Terry Sheehan,
Volpe community planner and emergency transportation expert will present "Lessons Learned from Sandy, Irene and Katrina: Restoring Normalcy to the Transportation System through Effective Emergency Response."

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