Interactive Maps: USAID Support for Elections Monitoring

You can use the interactive maps below to see the extensive reach of U.S. Government supported monitoring and observation efforts in the run-up to Georgia's parliamentary elections on October 1. The first map shows pre-election observation efforts supported by USAID, and the second map gives a view of the elections-related subgrants made through our projects. Click on the pins for more details on our support, or click on the election district for elections-related information about that district.
USAID has more than $17 million in programming directly related to the 2012-14 parliamentary and presidential elections in Georgia.  The National Democratic Institute (NDI), International Republican Institute (IRI) and International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), along with several local partner organizations, implement projects dedicated to improving electoral processes and enabling a competitive electoral environment. These projects also include support for elections observation teams. Several other projects have important elections-related components that support an improved electoral environment through increased media programming and access, increased citizen participation, public spaces for civic engagement, televised regional parliamentary dialogues and updating/correcting addresses on the voter registration list.
You can read more about our election programming here.
For a list of elections monitoring websites we support click here

 Pre-election monitoring:

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Elections-related sub-grants:

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Disclaimer: The project information on these maps is provided by partner organizations. If you have any information that may help us improve these maps, please contact us through the contact form on the lower right corner of this website. The designations of project sites are representative of activities but do not represent actual geographical locations. Map imagery provided by ArcGIS Online is not controlled by USAID. The designations and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of USAID, the U.S. Government, or partner organizations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area of its authorities, or concerning the delimination of its frontiers or boundaries.