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Press Releases 2013

Death of Ambassador Mark Palmer

January 30, 2013
Portrait of Ambassador Mark Palmer (photo courtesy of Népszabadság)

Ambassador Mark Palmer (photo courtesy of Népszabadság)

The U.S. Embassy in Budapest is saddened by the news of the passing of Ambassador Mark Palmer, who served as United States Ambassador to Hungary between 1986 and 1990, following a long struggle with cancer.  A champion for freedom, Ambassador Palmer took up his duties in the last years of the Communist era, and played a highly visible role during the regime change.  A co-founder of the National Endowment for Democracy, Ambassador Palmer remained a fixture in Hungary and the region in recent years. Ambassador Palmer joined the board of Freedom House in 1992 and served as vice chairman from 1994 to 2008.  Even as he battled ill-health, he never wavered in his dedication to help those struggling against tyranny and oppression.  In 2009 Ambassador Palmer was presented with the Order of Merit, Commander’s Cross in recognition of his role in the transition, as “a legendary ambassador whose name will go down in Hungarian history books.” He leaves behind an extraordinary legacy that will continue to inspire brave men and women around the world.

Those wishing to express their condolences can do so by filling out a condolence form. The Embassy will collect and forward condolence messages to Ambassador Palmer’s family and friends.