
Trace Effects Trailer

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Published on Nov 19, 2012

Trace Effects is a collaborative English language video game experience for students ages 12-16. Learn English and explore American culture through puzzles, games, and adventures in an interactive world.

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  • mukachuowllet

    guys, i just don't know how to leave the key under the flower pot in chapter 1. Can any of you guys help me? :(


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  • Louis Joyce

    also how do i stop the officer at the grand canyon from checking my documentation? the deportation mechanic is so stupid


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  • Louis Joyce

    has anyone managed to complete the 'find the source of pollution' quest yet? i keep selecting the coal plant but it just tells me that congress refused to complete my quest. help?


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  • Preetham Nellutla

    One good try.Nice to see game which educates.Thanks for the makers


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