 Bringing the United States and Vietnam Closer Together through Educational Exchange

Visiting Scholar Grant

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VEF provides the following financial support for the Visiting Scholar:

  1. Monthly Stipend. U.S. $2,300 stipend per month, which is pro-rated for any partial month. The number of months or partial months is calculated according to the dates of the Visiting Scholar's academic program as approved by the VEF Board of Directors. The Visiting Scholar must plan wisely in order to cover the following:
    1. Living expenses in the United States: lodging, meals, local transportation, and incidentals.
    2. Required federal or state income taxes.
      1. All Visiting Scholars are required to file annual U.S. tax returns, even if they have returned to Vietnam.
      2. VEF does not withhold taxes from the stipend. The Visiting Scholar is expected to plan finances accordingly in order to pay any taxes (estimated at 17% of earnings), which might be due to the U.S. federal or state government. Taxes are paid in arrears, i.e., for the year previous to when the scholar files tax returns, which is in mid-April, reporting on income earned during the previous calendar year. The U.S. host institution is asked to document and deduct required taxes from the monthly stipend, as appropriate.
      3. Failure to pay U.S. taxes can result in serious fines and a ban on the Visiting Scholar re-entering the United States in the future.
  2. Medical/Health Insurance. Paid one time to the insurance agent at the beginning of the intended program to cover the Visiting Scholar during the full training period in the United States. This accident/illness health insurance is intended for emergency situations and hospitalizations and includes medical evacuation and repatriation insurance according to the coverage amounts required for international students and scholars in the United States. The Visiting Scholar is covered from the time of departure from Vietnam until the end of VSP support by VEF. VEF does not provide additional health insurance to cover doctor’s visits, routine check-ups, flu shots, other vaccination shots, and/or dental and vision services. Such coverage may be purchased at the scholar’s own expense, possibly through the U.S. host institution, after arrival in the United States. If the U.S. institution agrees to provide health coverage at its own cost, the Visiting Scholar must get a written statement to this effect from the U.S. host institution and notify VEF immediately.
  3. Professional Development Grant (PDG). U.S. $300 per month for professional development expenses. The number of months or partial months is calculated according to the dates of the Visiting Scholar's academic program as approved by the VEF Board of Directors. Use of these funds by the Visiting Scholar is limited to professional development purposes, defined as follows: conference attendance and/or presentations; training workshops or seminars; books, journals, and publications; computer hardware or software; professional memberships or subscriptions; courses to improve English speaking, listening, reading, or writing; hiring a statistician; and hiring an English language expert to edit one's research or publishable article. PDG funds cannot be used for non-professional purposes, such as living expenses, costs for dependents, travel for pleasure, medical or health expenses, and entertainment. All tangible items purchased through the PDG funds become the property of the Visiting Scholar. The Visiting Scholar must report the use of PDG funds to VEF annually, so should keep good records of any purchases (purpose, dates, amounts, and receipts) for submission to VEF upon request.
  4. Visa for the United States. Cost of the actual visa application, if any. (This does not include transportation, lodging, or other expenses related to the process of acquiring a visa.)
  5. Health Check-up and Immunizations. Costs for a pre-departure health check in Vietnam and any vaccinations required by the U.S. host institution. The vaccinations must be acquired in Vietnam, unless there is a compelling reason that the vaccinations must be administered in the United States.
  6. Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO). Costs in Vietnam for transportation, lodging, and meals for this required VEF event.
  7. Settling-in Allowance. U.S. $500 to help defray costs of arriving and getting settled in the United States.
  8. Airfare. A round-trip economy air ticket from Vietnam to the U.S. academic institution and return.
  9. VEF Annual Conference. Approved expenses (i.e., transportation, hotel, and meals) related to the VEF Annual Fellows and Scholars Conference to be held in the United States in January 2015. Visiting Scholars, who are pursuing their programs in the United States at that time, are required to attend. After a Visiting Scholar has returned to Vietnam or ended his/her program, s/he will not be funded to attend the VEF Annual Conference.
  10. VEF Alumni Conference. Approved expenses (i.e., transportation, hotel, and meals) related to the VEF Alumni Conference in Vietnam once the Visiting Scholar returns to Vietnam.