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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Visa Questions

  • How long does it take to get visa?

    How long does it take to get visa?

    • In general, if your application is approved and if your interview was on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday your passport and visa will usually be ready for pick up on the next working day at 4:00pm.  Applicants whose applications are approved on Thursday can usually pickup their passport and visa the following Monday at 10:00am. 

  • Do my supporting documents need to be translated into English?

    Do my supporting documents need to be translated into English?

    • No, you can bring documents in Tajik and Russian.

  • Shall I notarize documents or make notarized copies?

    Shall I notarize documents or make notarized copies?

    • No, you should however bring original support documents. After the interview, the Consular officer will return them to you.

  • I am planning to stay in the United States for 4 months, while my visa is valid only for three months. What can I do?

    I am planning to stay in the United States for 4 months, while my visa is valid only for three months. What can I do?

    • The visa validity that is printed on your visa (usually 3 months from the day of interview) means that you can enter the United States during these 3 months. For example, your interview is on May 10. Your visa will be valid until August 09. You can enter the United States from May 10 through August 09.  The length of your stay is determined by a U.S. Immigration officer at the port of entry.

  • How much will a visa cost?

    How much will a visa cost?

  • Will I get my money back if I am refused a visa?

    Will I get my money back if I am refused a visa?

    • The fee that you paid is an application fee. Everyone who applies for a U.S. visa anywhere in the world must pay this fee, which covers the cost of processing your application. As the application form states, this fee is non-refundable regardless of whether you are issued a visa or not, since your application was processed to conclusion.

  • How do Consular officers make visa decisions?

    How do Consular officers make visa decisions?

    • In adjudicating visa applications, Consular officers are guided by U.S. immigration laws and regulations. The issuance of non-immigrant visas is governed by the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, as amended. U.S. immigration law places the burden of proof on the visa applicant to show that he or she is not an intending immigrant. In other words, each nonimmigrant visa applicant must prove to the Consular officer's satisfaction that he or she is not planning to travel to the U.S. in order to reside there permanently. Each applicant must demonstrate that he or she is traveling to the U.S. for a temporary stay and has strong ties that will compel him or her to return to the home country.

  • What is section 214(b)?

    What is section 214(b)?

    • Click here for information about visas refused under section 214(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

  • If I was refused, can I apply again and if so, after what period?

    If I was refused, can I apply again and if so, after what period?

    • Yes, you can reapply, however, we do not recommend that you re-apply unless the circumstances of your life have significantly changed or you can provide additional/new information that can demonstrate your strong social, economic ties to Tajikistan.

  • My passport expired, I now have a new passport and my valid U.S. visa is in my old passport. Do I need to transfer my visa from my expired passport to my new passport?

    My passport expired, I now have a new passport and my valid U.S. visa is in my old passport. Do I need to transfer my visa from my expired passport to my new passport?

    • No, if you can keep your old passport you can travel to the U.S. by carrying your old passport with the valid visa together with your new passport. If you cannot keep your old passport you need to apply for a new visa, which means submitting a new application and paying the application fee again.

  • How do I qualify for a U.S. nonimmigrant visa?

    How do I qualify for a U.S. nonimmigrant visa?

    • A qualified applicant for a U.S. non-immigrant visa is able to demonstrate binding social, familial, and/or economic ties to Tajikistan which, in the opinion of the Consular officer, constitutes a compelling need for the applicant to return to Tajikistan after a temporary visit to the United States.

  • How long before my intended travel date should I apply for a visa?

    How long before my intended travel date should I apply for a visa?

    • We recommend you schedule your appointment approximately four - six weeks prior to your desired departure date. To find out the typical wait time to receive an interview appointment click here.

  • How do I schedule a visa interview?

    How do I schedule a visa interview?

    • Click here to schedule a visa interview appointment.

  • Is it possible to get an interview appointment earlier than the one I currently have scheduled?

    Is it possible to get an interview appointment earlier than the one I currently have scheduled?

    • Generally no, however exceptions may be granted in emergency situations. Please refer to the Apply for a Visa section of our web site.

  • Where do I get the visa application forms?

    Where do I get the visa application forms?

  • In addition to the visa application forms, what other documents do I need to submit to apply for a visa?

    In addition to the visa application forms, what other documents do I need to submit to apply for a visa?

    • The type of support documents you need to submit with your visa application depends upon the type of visa you are applying for.  Please review "Support Documents" on our website in the Applying for a Visa section.

  • Does my young child need a visa to travel to the United States?

    Does my young child need a visa to travel to the United States?

    • Yes. All Tajikistani citizens who are not legal permanent residents of the United States (green card holders) require a visa to visit the United States, regardless of age.

  • I am not a Tajikistani citizen. Can I apply for a visa in Dushanbe?

    I am not a Tajikistani citizen. Can I apply for a visa in Dushanbe?

    • While anyone can apply for a visa in Dushanbe, it will be more difficult for a Consular officer to determine the eligibility of visa applicants who are not residents of the Consular district where the interview is conducted.

  • As an American citizen, how can I assure the Consular officer my friend or relative is qualified for a visa?

    As an American citizen, how can I assure the Consular officer my friend or relative is qualified for a visa?

    • Assurances from U.S. citizen friends and family members do not affect whether an applicant will be issued a visa. Under U.S. immigration law, Consular officers must evaluate the qualifications of only the visa applicant themselves.  To qualify for a visa, during the visa interview, the applicant must present evidence of their binding social, familial, and economic ties to Tajikistan and convince the consular officer that he/she is not intending to immigrate to the U.S. 

  • I am an American citizen, can the Consular officer call me during the visa interview if s/he has questions about my friend or relative who is applying?

    I am an American citizen, can the Consular officer call me during the visa interview if s/he has questions about my friend or relative who is applying?

    • No, for two reasons, first, as noted above, the burden of qualification is on the applicant, and assurances from friends, family members, or associates in the United States do not affect the applicant's ability to qualify for the visa. Second, the sheer volume of interviews and the cost of international calls make this impossible both in terms of time and cost.

  • During my visa interview, I was told that my application required additional administrative processing that would last several weeks. How long do I have to wait?

    During my visa interview, I was told that my application required additional administrative processing that would last several weeks. How long do I have to wait?

    • The time required for administrative processing varies with each case. Be assured that we work hard to process all visa applications to conclusion as quickly as possible. In general the process takes 6-8 weeks, though sometimes the processing can last longer or be completed in much less time.

  • My valid visa expires two days after I need to travel to the United States. Can I travel with this visa?

    My valid visa expires two days after I need to travel to the United States. Can I travel with this visa?

    • Yes. You may travel to the United States at any time during the validity of the visa.  Again, the duration of your visit in the U.S. is not determined by the length of your visa validity, but by the immigration official at the port of entry when you arrive in the United States.

  • I am traveling through the U.S. on the way to another destination. Do I need a transit visa?

    I am traveling through the U.S. on the way to another destination. Do I need a transit visa?

  • I am an Iranian citizen; can I apply for a visa at the Embassy in Dushanbe?

    I am an Iranian citizen; can I apply for a visa at the Embassy in Dushanbe?

    • The U.S. Embassy in Dushanbe will only accept visa applications from citizens of Iran and other third-country nationals not resident in Tajikistan on the first Thursday of each month.  If you make an appointment for any other day of the month, it will be cancelled without any notification.  If you appear at the Embassy without a confirmed appointment, you will not be admitted.
      Please send requests for appointments for each applicant to in English.  In your e-mail request you must include each applicant's full name, date of birth, passport number, and the confirmation number received after submitting your on-line visa application.
      The U.S. Embassy in Dushanbe will only accept visa applications from citizens of Iran and other third-country nationals not resident in Tajikistan on the first Thursday of each month.  If you make an appointment for any other day of the month, it will be cancelled without any notification.  If you appear at the Embassy without a confirmed appointment, you will not be admitted.Please send requests for appointments for each applicant to in English.  In your e-mail request you must include each applicant's full name, date of birth, passport number, and the confirmation number received after submitting your on-line visa application.  For more information please visit the Department of State website.


  • What is the difference between an immigrant visa and a non-immigrant visa?

    What is the difference between an immigrant visa and a non-immigrant visa?

    • An immigrant visa allows national of other countries to immigrate to the United States. A nonimmigrant visa is issued to qualified aliens who want to travel to the U.S. for a temporary stay. There are several different categories of nonimmigrant visas.