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Foreign National Student Internship Program

January 25, 2012

Foreign National Student Internship Program at U.S. Embassy Riga is open to non-U.S.-citizen students from Latvia and provides them with the opportunity to work for a short period (not more than three months) in the Embassy. By doing so, young, up-and-coming Latvians gain exposure not only to American foreign policy goals and management styles, but also to American values and ways of doing business. This program, used by many U.S. Missions overseas, also benefits the Embassy by providing interns who can help us accomplish our goals.

There are no benefits or compensation attached to the internship, nor does it imply any future entitlement to Embassy employment. Interns are assigned duties that include research, economic and political report writing, correspondence, information systems, analysis of international issues, consular work, administrative and/or budget and fiscal duties, and personnel management. They must be recruited to do interesting work and not simply to complete routine clerical tasks.


Only students who are non-U.S. citizens in Latvia are eligible to participate in the internship program, including any non-host-country foreign nationals who are legal resident students of Latvia. To participate, a student must be:

  • at least 18 years of age at the time of appointment.
  • A student must be enrolled, not less than half-time, in a college, university or other accredited educational institution.
  • The student must be in good academic standing.
  • All applicants must have strong Latvian and English language skills.

Candidates will be asked to apply for vacancies by submitting to Human Resources:

  • a resume,
  • a statement of interest,
  • transcripts verifying good academic standing,
  • and a letter of permission to participate from his/her educational institution.

Once procedures are completed and selection(s) are made, the HR Office will send an official letter to all those selected extending an offer to participate in the program. This letter will include information on the position, the dates of the program, and the work location. Prior to beginning work, the intern will need to complete a security check and receive a medical clearance. U.S. Embassy Riga provides two Foreign National Student Internship positions: