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About the Consulate

Contact Us

Last updated: Ausgust 2012

Our Address
Consulate General of the United States
Königinstraße 5
80539 Munich
Federal Republic of Germany


Visa Information

Find detailed information on the Embassy website.


Public Transportation:

If you drive to Munich:
The directions below are suggestions which we believe will make the Consulate easy to find. They do not necessarily describe the most direct route to the Consulate.

Our consulate is closed to the public on American and German holidays. In addition, the American Citizen Services Section will be closed the last Wednesday of every month, i.e.:

January 30, 2013
February 27, 2013
March 27, 2013
April 24
, 2013
May 29
, 2013
June 26
, 2013
July 31
, 2013
August 28
, 2013
September 25
, 2013
October 30
, 2013
November 27
, 2013
December 18
, 2013

Our consular region is the state of Bavaria.

Our consulate also includes a U.S. Commercial Service office providing full services to American business. The USCS representative in Munich supports business interests in Bavaria and in southern Baden-Württemberg.

Mission Statement

  • "We are the face of America, bringing the people of the USA and Bavaria together to build a safer and more prosperous world.  With a commitment to service, innovation, building goodwill, and ‘going green’ we work to

    • expand our strong economic partnership,
    • deepen our cooperation to make Europe, America and the world more secure,
    • and facilitate the millions of
    • people-to-people connections that unite us in all fields."

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