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USAID Macedonia: From the American People

The American people, through USAID, have invested over $500 million in Macedonia since 1993. USAID is working with the people of Macedonia to create jobs, strengthen democratic institutions and practices, enhance integrated education, and prepare students for the workforce. These initiatives improve the quality of life and support Macedonia’s transition to a stable and prosperous democracy.

Editorial by USAID Macedonia Mission Director, Robert Wuertz

In cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, USAID is supporting 10 Macedonian companies to participate in Fruit Logistica 2013, the leading international fresh produce trade fair, in Berlin, Germany, from February 6 to 8...


Editorial by USAID Macedonia Mission Director, Robert Wuertz

See the translation of the brochure on the following link


Editorial by USAID Macedonia Mission Director, Robert Wuertz

Mile the Corn Farmer




Editorial by USAID Macedonia Mission Director, Robert Wuertz

The U.S. Government strongly supports integrated education in Macedonia.  Integrated education will help to ensure that all the children of this country, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or cultural and social background, receive a quality education that promotes respect for diversity and a stable environment of tolerance...



We are happy to announce that the third Grand Challenge – Powering Agriculture: An Energy Grand Challenge for Development – just released its first request for proposals.  Powering Agriculture is currently offering awards of between $300,000 and $1,500,000 for innovative, market–based, clean energy solutions for farmers and agribusinesses at all points along the agricultural value-chain - from growing, harvesting, and processing to storing food.

Grant applications will be accepted from 1/15/13 to 2/6/13 5PM EST;


Solicitation Comments Due: 1/4/13


Please visit the web site for more details and for solicitation documents


Job Club Re-opens in Center for Employment in Prilep

The Job Club at the Center for Employment in Prilep was re-opened following assistance with renovation and equipping from USAID Youth Employability Skills Network Project. This is one of six job clubs that were renovated and equipped in the Centers for Employment in different municipalities throughout the country...




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Last Updated on: February 06, 2013