Avian and Pandemic Influenza

Vietnam was one of the first countries in the world hit by highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) H5N1 outbreaks in 2003 and also reported the world's first AI human case in that same year. Since then, Vietnam has experienced more than 3,000 animal outbreaks across the country and has had 121 human cases (as of March 1, 2012), half of which have been fatalities. While Vietnam is widely considered to be a model in terms of its response to AI, globally it currently ranks third behind Indonesia and Egypt in terms of human cases and deaths.

Under the Government of Vietnam's comprehensive National Avian and Pandemic Influenza (API) Program and as part of the United States Government coordinated program, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) began supporting API efforts in Vietnam in 2005 and since then has provided approximately US$ 48 million in assistance and technical support. USAID works with API efforts nationally and in high-risk provinces in the Red River and Mekong River deltas. Specifically, the program helps strengthen national and regional preparedness, planning, and multi-sectoral coordination to prevent transmission of the H5N1 virus from animals to humans. It promotes early detection and warning of AI outbreaks and human influenza cases through improvements in the national surveillance system and development of quick-responding community-based surveillance. USAID supports training in the public and private sector for rapid and effective response for animal and human cases while promoting public awareness and education on API.

Working closely with the Government of Vietnam, USAID's API efforts are focused on national level policy and programs as well as in select focal provinces including: Can Tho, Ha Nam, Hung Yen, Kien Giang, and Quang Tri. USAID also recently supported a large-scale, two-year operational research project at the provincial level which helped identify best practices and policy guidance on safe, effective, and sustainable poultry vaccination to limit AI transmission.

With USAID assistance, Vietnamese authorities developed and refined Standard Operating Procedures and National Strategies including the 2011-2015 National Program on Avian Influenza, Pandemic Preparedness and Emerging Infectious Diseases and created an AI national program monitoring and evaluation strategy. Surveillance and response capacity to rapidly detect and control AI has also been strengthened through training, an upgraded animal health information system, USAID provision of API related equipment and commodities, laboratory diagnostic capacity and the sharing of best practices and lessons learned. Furthermore, public awareness and behavior on API has been improved through awareness and behavior change programs. These activities help support the foundation upon which Vietnam's successful program rests, including in its response to the 2009 novel H1N1 influenza pandemic.

Supporting and in coordination with the Government of Vietnam at all levels. USAID's implementing partners include the Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Health Organization, Abt Associates, the Vietnam National Red Cross, MEASURE Evaluation, United Nations Development Program, key mass unions and local organizations.