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  1. Tides Under the Ice: Measuring Water Levels at Barrow, Alaska 2008-2010 (PDF) 10 meg. new

  2. CO-OPS Customer Satisfaction Survey Results (PDF) 160kb.

  3. Elevated East Coast Sea Level Anomaly: June-July 2009 (PDF) 2.2 meg.

  4. CO-OPS Strategic Plan 2010-2015 (PDF) 11.6 meg.

  5. CO-OPS Trifold (PDF) 10.1 meg.

  6. PORTS® Program (PDF) 534kb.

  7. COASTAL Program (PDF) 1.5 meg.

  8. National Currents Program (PDF) 1.6 meg.

  9. NOAA Sentinels of the Coast (PDF) 663kb.

  10. Understanding Tides (PDF) 1.9 meg.

  11. Estimating Economic Benefits from NOAA PORTS Information - A Case Study of Houston/Galveston (PDF) 601k

  12. Estimating Economic Benefits from NOAA PORTS Information - A Case Study of Tampa Bay (PDF) 229k

  13. Estimating Economic Benefits from NOAA PORTS Information - A Case Study of the Columbia River (PDF) 651k

  14. CO-OPS Contribution to NOAA's 2005 Hurricane Season Response (PDF) 851k

  15. 150 Years of Tides on the Western Coast (PDF) 200k

  16. CO-OPS Products and Services Handbook (Currently in revision)

  17. Our Restless Tides

  18. San Francisco Tides of History (PDF) 142K

  19. Tide and Current Glossary (PDF) 600k

  20. Fantastic Tidal Datums (PDF) 4.4 meg.

  21. Tidal Currents Educational Pamphlet #4 (PDF) 8.63 meg.

  22. Network Gaps Analysis for the National Water Level Observation Network - NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS CO-OPS 048 (PDF) 9.53 meg.

  23. Understanding Sea Level Change (PDF) 1.1 meg.

  24. Sea Level Variations of the United States, 1854 - 2006 - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 053 (PDF) 5 meg.

  25. Initial Operational Deployment Report, Miros Air Gap Sensor and Laser Sensor at the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 049 (PDF) 725k

  26. Tidal Analysis and Predictions - NOAA Special Publication NOS CO-OPS 3 (PDF) 18.5 meg.

  27. Visibility Sensors Implementation Plan - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 055 (PDF) 13.5 meg.

  28. NOAA Ocean Systems Test and Evaluation Report, Limited Acceptance of the Design Analysis WaterLog® H-3611i Microwave Radar Water Level Sensor - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 061 (PDF) 6.64 meg.

  29. Redundant Communications Solutions for PORTS® Acoustic Current Profiler Installations - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 057 (PDF) 221k


  1. Tides Under the Ice: Measuring Water Levels at Barrow, Alaska 2008-2010 (PDF) 10 meg. new

  2. Elevated East Coast Sea Level Anomaly: June-July 2009 (PDF) 2.2 meg.

  3. Nowcast and Forecast Hydrodynamic Model Systems, NOS Procedures for Developing and Implementing Operational Nowcast and Forecast Systems for PORTS - Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 020 (PDF) 403k

  4. Assessment of the National Ocean Service's Tidal Current Program - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 022 (PDF) 450k

  5. Currents in the St. John's River, Florida - Spring and Summer of 1998 - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 025 (PDF) 3.3 meg.

  6. A NWS Guide to the Use of NWLON and PORTS® Computer-Based Products - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 026 (PDF) 2.1 meg.

  7. Effects of Hurricane Floyd on Water Levels - Data Report - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 027 (PDF) 3.0 meg.

  8. NWLON/DMS Quality, Control Software (QC): Functional Requirements Document - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 030 (PDF) 19.0 meg.

  9. National Physical Oceanographic Real-time System (PORTS) - Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 031 (PDF) 138k

  10. Towing Basin Speed Calibration of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling Instruments - Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 033 (PDF) 4.2 meg.

  11. Ocean Systems Test and Evaluation Program (OSTEP) Development Plan - Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 034 (PDF) 1.7 meg.

  12. Historical Golden Gate Tidal Series - Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 035 (PDF) 1.5 meg.

  13. Sea Level Variations of the United States 1854-1999 - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 036 (PDF) 1.1 meg.
    • Appendix I - National Water Level Observation Network Stations (110k)
    • Appendix II - Time series of monthly mean seal level after removal of seasonal cycle showing the derived linear trend (11.7 meg.)
    • Appendix III - Average seasonal cycle of monthly mean sea level(3.6 meg.)
    • Appendix IV - Time series of monthly mean seal level after removal of seasonal cycle and linear trend (12.5 meg.)
    • Appendix V - Linear trends for 50-year periods of mean sea level data (106k)

  14. Port of New York and New Jersey Operational Forecast System, Implementation Plan- Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 037 (PDF) 304k

  15. Triaxys Directional Wave Buoy for Nearshore Wave Measurements-Test and Evaluation Plan - Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 038 (PDF) 1.5 meg.

  16. NOS Procedures for Developing and Implementing Operational - Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 039 (PDF) 207k

  17. Effects of Hurricane Isabel on Water Levels - Data Report - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 040 (PDF) 19.0 meg.

  18. North Carolina Bathymetry/Topography Sea Level Rise Project: Determination of Sea Level Trends - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 041 (PDF) 1.4 meg. - New Sept. 2004

  19. Microwave Air Gap-Bridge Clearance Sensor Test, Evaluation, and Implementation Support - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 042 (PDF) 20.1 meg.

  20. Test, Evaluation, and Implementation of Current Measurement Systems on Aids-To-Navigation - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 043 (PDF) 5.16 meg.

  21. Estimating Economic Benefits from NOAA PORTS Installations - A Value of Information Approach - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 044 (PDF) 174k

  22. Humboldt Bay Current Surveys: December 2002 to October 2004 - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 046 (PDF) 2.7 meg.

  23. Annual Report of the Gulf of Mexico Harmful Algal Bloom Operational Forecast System - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 047 (PDF) 1.04 meg.

  24. Sea Level Variations of the United States, 1854 - 2006 - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 053 (PDF) 5 meg.

  25. Initial Operational Deployment Report, Miros Air Gap Sensor and Laser Sensor at the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 049 (PDF) 725k

  26. Effects of the November 2009 Nor'easter on Water Levels (PDF) 13.4 meg.

  27. Technical Considerations for Use of Geospatial Data in Sea Level Change Mapping and Assessment - NOAA Technical Report NOS 2010-01. (PDF) 3.53 meg.

  28. Visibility Sensors Implementation Plan - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 055 (PDF) 13.5 meg.

  29. Tidal Analysis and Predictions - NOAA Special Publication NOS CO-OPS 3 (PDF) 18.5 meg.

  30. NOAA Ocean Systems Test and Evaluation Report, Limited Acceptance of the Design Analysis WaterLog® H-3611i Microwave Radar Water Level Sensor - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 061 (PDF) 6.64 meg.

  31. Redundant Communications Solutions for PORTS® Acoustic Current Profiler Installations - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 057 (PDF) 221k


    Data Collection Platform References

    A1. Next Generation Water Level Measurement System (NGWLMS) Site Design, Preparation, and Installation Manual (NGWLMS Manual), January 1991 (PDF) 29.7 meg.

    A2. Xpert Operations and Maintenance Manual, October 2006 (PDF) 2.29 meg.

    Sensor References

    B1. User's Guide For 8200 Acoustic Gauge (Installation and Operation), Updated August 1998 (PDF) 200k

    B2. User's Guide For 8200 Bubbler Gauge (Installation and Operation), Updated February 1998 (PDF) 100k

    B3. User's Guide For 8210 Bubbler Water Level Gauge For Hydrographic Surveying Applications (Installation and Operation), February 2001 (PDF) 4.7 meg.

    B4. Wind Sensor Alignment Procedure for the R. M. Young Wind Monitor, October 2005 (PDF) 351k

    B5. CO-OPS Sensor Specifications and Measurement Algorithms (PDF) 56k

    B6. Air Gap Field Installation Guide V2.0 (PDF) 3.5M

    Benchmarks, Leveling And Geodetic References

    C1. User's Guide for the Installation of Bench Marks and Leveling Requirements for Water Level Stations, October 1987 (PDF) 19 meg.

    C2. User's Guide For Writing Bench Mark Descriptions, Updated January 2011 (PDF) 115k

    C3. User's Guide For Electronic Levels with Translev and Windesc, Updated September 2010 (PDF) 2.3 meg.

    C4. User's Guide For GPS Observations, Updated December 2009 (PDF) 2.7 meg.

    C5. CO-OPS GPS Observations Implementation Plan, January 2003 (PDF) 31k

    C6. NOAA Technical Memorandum "NOS NGS-58, Guidelines for Establishing GPS-Derived Ellipsoid Heights (Standards 2 cm and 5 cm), version 4.3", November 1997

    C7. Standards and Specifications for Geodetic Control Networks, Federal Geodetic Control Committee, September 1984.

    C8. Setting a NGS 3-D Monument, July 1996 (PDF) 109k

    C9. Attachment R, Requirements for Digital Photographs of Survey Control, NGS, January 2008 (PDF) 90k

    C10. Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Team Final Report (PDF) 325k

    C11. Attachment T, Setting a Concrete Mark (PDF) 70k

    C12. Attachment U, Setting a Survey Disk in Bedrock (PDF) 51k

    C13. Attachment X, Performing Bench Mark Ties (PDF) 100k

    Reconnaissance References

    D1. CO-OPS Water Level and Meteorological Site Reconnaissance Procedures, Updated February 2012 (PDF) 1.9 meg.

    D2. CO-OPS Current Meter Reconnaissance Procedures, Updated April 2007 (PDF) 50k

    Contract Specifications and References

    E1. CO-OPS Specifications and Deliverables for Installation, Operation, and Removal of Water Level Stations, Updated November 2008 (PDF) 198k.

    E2. Latest NOS Hydrographic Surveys Specifications and Deliverables

    E3. Environmental Field Services Statement Of Objectives (PDF) 590k

    E4. Water Level Station Specifications and Deliverables for Shoreline Mapping Projects, Updated May 2009 (PDF) 260k

    References for National Water Level Program

    F1. Standing Project Instructions for Coastal and Great Lakes Water Level Stations, Updated August 2011 (PDF) 268k

    F2. CY 2013 Project Instructions for the Coastal and Great Lakes Water Level Station Components, Updated January 2013 (PDF) 363k new

    F3. Standing Operating Procedure for Upgrading an Existing Water Level Station or Installing a New Water Level Station, May 2011 (PDF) 142k

    F4. CO-OPS Evaluation Criteria for Water Level Station Documentation, May 2009 (PDF) 116k

    F5. Water Level Station - Xpert Site Report, March 2007 (PDF) 27k

    F6. Great Lakes - Establishment of International Great Lakes Datum (1955) (PDF) 2.1M

    F7. Great Lakes - Establishment of International Great Lakes Datum (1985) (PDF) 1.7M

    F8. Great Lakes - IGLD85 USACE Update No. 76 (PDF) 595k

    F9. Great Lakes - History of Water Level Gauges - Upper Great Lakes & the St. Clair Detroit Rivers - Jan 1978 (PDF) 4.3M

    F10. Great Lakes - History of Water Level Gauges - Lower Great Lakes & International Section of St. Lawrence River - Mar 1987 (PDF) 13.M

    F11. E-Site User's Guide - revision 1.3-1 (PDF) 450k

    F12. Engineering Bulletin 09-003 Update to Xpert Log File Sizes, November 13, 2009 (PDF) 31k

    F13. Amendment Number 1 to CY 2012 Project Instructions for Coastal and Great Lakes Water Level Station Components (PDF) 16k

    F14. Field Installation Guide for WaterLog H3611i Microwave Radar Water Level Sensor, January 2013. (PDF) 5.2M

    References for National Current Observation Program

    G1. NAO xxx-xxx Charter Vessel Safety (rev.1) (PDF) 46k

    Communications and Data Formats References

    H1. NGWLMS GOES Message Formatting For Hourly Transmissions, January 2003 (PDF) 78k

    H2. Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 030 - NWLON/DMS Quality Control Software (QC): Functional Requirements Documents (PDF) 19.0 meg.

    H3. Information Systems Branch PORTS Uniform Flat File Format (PUFFF) (PDF) 166k

    H4. Spatial Data Modifications and Enhancements (v1.2), August 2005 (PDF) 124k

    H5. Ocean Systems Test and Evaluation Program Data Communications Plan (PDF) 9.9 meg.

    H6. NWS Guide to the Use of NWLON and PORTS Computer-Based Products (PDF) 1.0 meg.

    References for Modeling Program

    I1. (Currently in revision)

    Data Processing and Analysis References

    J1. Tide Datums and Their Applications - NOAA Special Publication NOS CO-OPS 1 (PDF) 2.3 meg.

    J2. Computational Techniques for Tidal Datums Handbook - NOAA Special Publication NOS CO-OPS 2 (PDF) 2.3 meg.

    J3. Tidal Current Analysis Procedures and Associated Computer Programs - NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS CO-OPS 021 (PDF) 750k


  1. Storm Events Data Reports (PDF) 30k

  2. Effects of Hurricane Floyd on Water Levels - Data Report - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 027 (PDF) 3.0 meg.

  3. Effects of Hurricane Isabel on Water Levels - Data Report - NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 040 (PDF) 19.0 meg.

  4. Tropical Storm Isidore 2002 Preliminary Water Levels Report (PDF) 976k

  5. Hurricane Lili 2002 Preliminary Water Levels Report (PDF) 2.16 meg.

  6. Tropical Storm Bill 2003 Preliminary Water Levels Report (PDF) 431k

  7. Hurricane Claudette 2003 Preliminary Water Levels Report (PDF) 706k

  8. Hurricane Charley 2004 Preliminary Water Levels Report (PDF) 1.96 meg.

  9. Hurricane Frances 2004 Preliminary Water Levels Report (PDF) 1.68 meg.

  10. Hurricane Ivan 2004 Preliminary Water Levels Report (PDF) 1.17 meg.

  11. Hurricane Jeanne 2004 Preliminary Water Levels Report (PDF) 1.89 meg.

  12. Hurricane Cindy 2005 Preliminary Water Levels Report (PDF) 254k

  13. Hurricane Dennis 2005 Preliminary Water Levels Report (PDF) 1.15 meg.

  14. Hurricane Katrina 2005 Preliminary Water Levels Report (PDF) 1.26 meg.

  15. Hurricane Ophelia 2005 Preliminary Water Levels Report (PDF) 1.70 meg.

  16. Hurricane Rita 2005 Preliminary Water Levels Report (PDF) 2.29 meg.

  17. Hurricane Wilma 2005 Preliminary Water Levels Report (PDF) 524k

  18. Tropical Storm Ernesto 2006 Verified Water Level Report (PDF) 550k

  19. Hurricane Gustav 2008 Water Levels and Meteorological Report (PDF) 1.4 meg.

  20. Hurricane Ike 2008 Water Levels and Meteorological Report (PDF) 2.06 meg.

  21. Hurricane Irene 2011 Water Level and Meteorological Data Report (PDF) 7.22 meg.

  22. Hurricane Isaac 2012 Water Level and Meteorological Data Report (PDF) 3.58 meg.

  23. Hurricane Sandy 2012 Water Level and Meteorological Data Report (PDF) 5.72 meg.


  1. Water Level Observation Network for Central America (PDF) 775k

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