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Consulate Press Releases

United States Connects Pakistani Young Entrepreneurs to U.S. Mentors

Islamabad, October 2, 2012

The United States partnered with forty Pakistani universities to connect thousands of Pakistani entrepreneurs with leading American entrepreneurs and investors through video technology to exchange experiences and discuss business trends.  Prominent university business incubation centers around Pakistan hosted the event, along with Pakistani entrepreneurship associations and the MIT Enterprise Forum-Pakistan.  American entrepreneur Jeff Hoffman and Pakistani-American venture capitalist Faysal Sohail shared their advice on how to turn an idea into a thriving business with the next generation of Pakistani entrepreneurs. 

At the event, U.S. Embassy Economic officer Brandon Possin said “This video conference is the latest example of U.S. efforts to increase the links between Pakistani entrepreneurs, the Pakistani-American Diaspora community, and American entrepreneurs and businesspeople.  Connections like these are important because entrepreneurs unlock growth.”  In November, the United States will organize events throughout the month aimed at building the skills of young entrepreneurs across the country.

These efforts are just some of the tangible ways in which the United States is working to expand economic engagement with Pakistan.  Recognizing both countries’ desire for “trade, not just aid,” the goal of these activities is to build a relationship based less on interactions between two governments and more on the ingenuity of American and Pakistani businesses and entrepreneurs.