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Report Birth Abroad


Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) Services

The Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) is the official birth record for U.S. citizen children born outside of the U.S. Once a CRBA is issued, it becomes a child's primary proof of U.S. citizenship and can be used to receive a U.S. passport. It is not necessary to apply for a U.S. passport after receiving a CRBA, but it is recommended if your child needs one. 

CRBA's can only be issued to children who are 18 years of age or younger. If the child is over the age of 18, a CRBA will not be issued, but a passport may be issued once the identity of the child has been ascertained and the CRBA requirements have been fulfilled.

Important Note: We recommend that you apply for a CRBA in the country where your child was born. If your child was not born in Sudan, we have to send your application to our Embassy in the country of birth for adjudication. It is a lengthy process that will greatly delay your case.   

Applications for Reports of Birth Abroad are accepted by appointment.  Applicants are advised that they must prove transmission of citizenship and must provide evidence. 

Required Forms

Before making an appointment with the Consular Section, please make sure you have completed the forms required for Consular Report of Birth Abroad and passport – including DS-2029, DS-5507, DS-3053 (if needed) and DS-11.  All the forms can also be accessed through the links in the ”Useful Forms” box on the right side of this page. 

Preparing for a CRBA Interview

Prior to your interview, complete all the necessary forms and collect the required information. To insure prompt and efficient service, please be aware that:

  • All forms must be completed in their entirety
  • All required documents must be submitted
  • All documents must be submitted in original or certified copy
  • Both parents and the baby must be present when the documents are reviewed by a Consular Officer

Failure to submit a completed application or comply with the requirements will result in delay and possible rescheduling of your appointment. 


Required Information

Please submit the following at the time of your CRBA interview:

1.Child's birth certificate: A birth certificate issued by the relevant authority (with an English translation if the certificate is in a foreign language).

2.Marriage certificate: A marriage certificate (non-U.S. marriage certificates are acceptable, but any marriage certificate written in another language should be translated into English). If the parents are not married, please ask a Consular Officer about special requirements.

3.Divorce certificate: Evidence of the termination of previous marriages (with translation if not in English), if either of the parents were previously married. Normally, such evidence consists of a divorce order, annulment decree, or death certificate.

4.Proof of citizenship: Evidence of U.S. citizenship of either one or both parents. Such evidence normally consists of a U.S. passport, naturalization certificate, or a certificate of birth from the U.S.

5.Proof of Physical Presence: If both parents are U.S. citizens, then we will require evidence that one parent has previously resided in the U.S. If only one parent is a U.S. citizen, the U.S. citizen parent must complete our Affidavit of Parentage and Physical Presence form and provide evidence of at least five years physical presence in the U.S., two years of which must have occurred after the age of fourteen. Evidence of the U.S. citizen parent's physical presence in the U.S. could include old passports, educational records, rent receipts, etc.

If it is not clear that the parent has more than enough physical presence in the United States, it is important to obtain the exact dates of the parent's entries and departure.  Expired passports and re-entry permits showing entries into or departures from the United States and other countries, U.S. school and employment records, tax withholding statements (W-2s), pay slips, etc., may serve as primary evidence of physical presence.  U.S. Income Tax Returns (Forms 1040) or Social Security Statements on their own are generally NOT useful.   Bank or credit card statements showing regular transactions and other such documents may be helpful secondary evidence in establishing periods of U.S. physical presence.  The Embassy takes the physical presence legal requirement very seriously and requires satisfactory documentary evidence in support of all physical presence claims.

Note that the required period of physical presence cannot be waived or reduced.

6.Photographs: Two passport photographs of the baby. Photographs should be 5 x 5 cm in color with a white background, showing the full face. The baby should be clearly identifiable from the photograph - click here for photograph specifications.

7.Applicable forms: Please complete a DS-2029 CRBA application (enter all zeros into the social security field on the application), a DS-11 passport application, a DS-5507 Affidavit of Parentage, Physical Presence and Support, DS-3053 Issuance of a Passport to a Minor Under Age 16 and a SS-5-FS social security number application.

8.Fee: Pay the $100 USD fee for a CRBA and the $105 USD fee for a minor's passport.  Please be aware that other fees may also apply.  The fees must be paid at the time of your interview, in cash, either in U.S. dollars or Sudanese pounds (at the current exchange rate).


Please note:

  • Consular Report of Birth Applications and documentation pending for more than 90 days will be considered abandoned.  Applicants are welcome to reapply when all requested documentation is complete.
  • Photos from any studio are acceptable as long as the photo specifications are met.
  • All documents in any language other than English must be accompanied by an English translation.  Any typed translation is acceptable.
  • Personal appearance of both parents and the newborn baby is required at the appointment (unless the parental consent form has been executed).
  • In cases where only one parent is a U.S. citizen and that parent is not in Sudan, all documents bearing his/her signature should be notarized by a U.S. notary public or by a U.S. Consular Officer.  A copy of his/her passport should be attached to any documents that are submitted in support of the application.
  • All original documents including passports must be brought to the appointment.  They will be returned to you after photocopies are compared and examined.
  • All photocopies must be clear and legible.
  • Issuance of the passport and the Report of Birth takes approximately two to four weeks.  When ready, they may be picked up from the consular section.
  • The Social Security Form will be executed when the passport has been issued.  The Social Security Card will be sent by the Social Security Administration directly to the address mentioned in the application within 3 to 6 months.