MSCText Version of this page Military Sealift Command
Freedom of Information & Privacy Act Program
MSC FOIA Information
Military Sealift Command FOIA Requester Service Center
What Information Can Be Withheld
Submitting a FOIA Request (FOIA Handbook)
Who Do I Contact Concerning My Request
How and Where Do I Make a FOIA Appeal
MSC FOIA Reading Room
Submitting a Privacy Act Request

Navy FOIA Program
Freedom of Information Act
A Citizen's Guide to FOIA
Navy Privacy Act Program
Privacy Act Systems of Records

Commander, Military Sealift Command's FOIA Web Site

Welcome to the Commander, Military Sealift Command's FOIA web site. This web site was developed to ensure that the American public's right to information systems maintained at Commander, Military Sealift Command is protected.

Inside you will find all the information you need to submit a request to the Freedom of Information Coordinator.

If you require assistance contact the FOIA Coordinator.

Please read the Privacy Policy. Thank you.

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is the law that gives the public the right to request data from the government. Not all data are released. Some data are protected under one or more of FOIA's nine exemptions. The Privacy Act Program is the law that gives protection to individual's rights to privacy and tells the government how it is to be done. These two acts allow the release of data under legal criteria and privacy rights. Military Sealift Command's FOIA and Privacy Act Program is under the Department of Navy FOIA and Privacy Program which is located in the office of the Chief of Naval Operations. The Navy requires each command to have a knowledgeable program director under the title Coordinator. That Coordinator is the point of contact for all FOIA and Privacy Act matters of Military Sealift Command.

Lorna Taylor is the FOIA and Privacy Act Coordinator for Military Sealift Command. You may direct questions about FOIA and the Privacy Act to her at (202) 685-5156.

If you want information about the command, first check through the MSC web site. If you do not find what you are seeking, follow the instructions to the left to submit a request.

Privacy Act requests cannot be submitted by way of the web, or the on-line request. Privacy Act requests must be submitted in writing and signed by the requester and sent to the command address and noted Attn: FOIA.

Military Sealift Command
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA)
Requester Service Center

Military Sealift Command (MSC) FOIA/PA Coordinators provides FOIA/PA services for records maintained at the following MSC commands to include MSC ships.

Military Sealift Command
914 Charles Morris CT SE
Washington Navy Yard, DC 20398-5540

Military Sealift Fleet Support Command
Bldg SP-64
471 East C Street
Naval Station Norfolk Va. 23511-2419

Sealift Logistics Command Atlantic
1283 Tow Way Drive
Norfolk, VA 23511-2419

Sealift Logistics Command Pacific
140 Sylvester RD
San Diego CA 92106-3521

Sealift Logistics Command Europe
PSC 817, Box 23
FPO AE 09622-0023

Sealift Logistics Command Central
PSC 451
FPO AE 09834-2800

Sealift Logistics Command Far East
PSC 470 Box 3076
FPO AP 96534

What Information Can Be Withheld

In limited instances, information may be withheld from disclosure if it is:

  • currently and properly classified in the interest of national defense or foreign policy;
  • related solely to internal personnel rules and practices, the release of which would allow circumvention of a statute or rule;
  • protected by a statute that specifically exempts the information;
  • trade secrets and commercial or financial information which was obtained from a private source which would cause substantial competitive harm to the source;
  • pre-decisional opinions and recommendations, inter-agency or intra-agency memoranda or letters that show foreseeable harm if released. Also, attorney-client privilege and attorney-work product are covered;
  • personnel and medical information the release of which would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy; and/or
  • investigatory records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, which (a) could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings, (b) would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication, (c) could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, (d) could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of a confidential source, (e) would disclose investigative techniques, and/or (f) could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any individual.

Submitting Your Request

This web page will help you through the Navy's Freedom of Information Act Request process.

Step 1: Preparing Your Request

In whatever form (written, electronic, or fax) you submit your request:

  1. Label your request "FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST," on the request (and also on the envelope, if you use a written request).
  2. Describe the specific record(s) you are seeking with enough detail so that a knowledgeable official of the activity may locate the record with a reasonable amount of effort. Such detail should include descriptive information, time-frame to be searched, etc. Because most Navy records are not retained permanently, the more information provided, the better opportunity there is to determine if the records would still exist and where. The FOIA clearly states that records must exist at the time the request is submitted to be considered.
  3. State your willingness to pay all fees or those up to a specified amount or provide a justification to support a fee waiver. Agreements to pay fees are considered to be up to $250, unless another amount is specified. Currently we charge search, review (for commercial requesters only), and duplication costs. (The fee schedule is provided at enclosure (3) of Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5720.42F).
  4. Include your complete postal service mailing address on your request.

The next step in preparing to submit your request is deciding where to send the request. Because Navy records are decentralized you will get the fastest response by sending your request to the Department of the Navy component holding the record(s) you seek.

  1. Submitting Your Request to a Navy Command
    Please consult the Navy's Where To Send A Request web page for help in locating commands, obtaining addresses, or finding a command's website. Once you have located a command and have its address you may submit your request in writing to that command. Alternatively, you may submit your request to a command via a web-based FOIA request form, if that command has one available on its website.
  2. Submitting Your Request to Commander, Military Sealift Command
    If the records you seek are held by the Commander, Military Sealift Command or MSC Field Commands you may use any of the following methods to submit a Freedom of Information Act Request:
    1. Submit your request in writing to:
      Commander, Military Sealift Command
      ATTN: FOIA
      914 Charles Morris Court, SE
      Washington Navy Yard, DC 20398-5540
    2. Submit your request via FAX to:
    3. Submit your request via MSC's On-Line FOIA Request

Who Do I Contact Concerning My FOIA Request

Military Sealift Command is committed to providing you with the best possible customer service. FOIA requesters who have any questions concerning the processing of their requests with MSC FOIA Requester Service Center should contact this center at 202-685-5156. If you are not satisfied with the response from the center you may contact the CNO FOIA Public Liaison, Lori Twardzik at 202-685-6517 or via email at

How and Where to Make a FOIA Appeal

How to File a FOIA Appeal

You may file a FOIA appeal, in writing, for any of the following reasons:

    denial in whole or in part of information

    disapproval of a fee category claim

    disapproval of a request for waiver/reduction of fees

    dispute regarding fee estimates

    review of a determination not to grant expedited access to agency records

    a "no records" determination when you consider such response adverse in nature

    failure to provide a response determination within the statutory time limits

    or any determination found to be adverse in nature to you.

To enable us to promptly act on your appeal, please include a copy of your initial FOIA request, a copy of the response letter, and include a brief statement regarding why you believe your appeal should be granted.

Where to File Your Appeal

The response letter you receive should list the name and address of the appellate authority should you choose to file an appeal. Additionally, it will advise you you're your appeal must be received within sixty (60) days of the date of response letter to be considered.

The General Counsel (GC) and Judge Advocate General (JAG) are delegated authority to act on FOIA appeals for the Secretary of the Navy.

Their areas of responsibility are:

    (1) GC: matters affecting DON legal services in subordinate commands, organizations, and activities in the areas of business and commercial law, real and personal property law, environmental law, and such other legal services as may be required to support the mission of the Navy and the Marine Corps, or the discharge of the GC's responsibilities.

    (2) JAG: matters where the initial request pertained to military justice, military law, and any other matter not under the cognizance of the GC.

Their addresses are as follows:

General Counsel of the Navy
Department of the Navy
Office of the General Counsel
ATTN: FOIA/PA Appeals Office
1000 Navy Pentagon Rm. 4E635
Washington, DC 20350-1000

To ensure timely receipt, appeals may also be faxed to the attention of: "Navy OGC FOIA Appeals Office" at 703-614-9400.

Judge Advocate General
1322 Patterson Avenue SE, Suite 3000
Washington Navy Yard DC 20374-5066
Fax Number: 202-685-5472

Submitting a Privacy Act Request

There are no forms to fill out. Simply, label your request "PRIVACY ACT REQUEST," on both the request and envelope; identify the specific PA systems of records notices you wish to have searched (See Index of PA Systems of Records), and submit your request according to the requirements set forth under "Record Access Procedures." Since PA requests must be signed, we cannot accept e-mail requests.

Navy Freedom of Information Program

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is the law that gives the public the right to request data from the government. Not all data are released. Some data may be protected under one or more of FOIA's nine exemptions.

The Navy's official FOIA site is available at:

Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act  5 U.S.C. § 552, as amended in 2006, is available at:

A Citizen's Guide to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

A Citizen's Guide on using the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act of 1974 to request government records is available on the Navy FOIA site

Navy Privacy Act Program

The Privacy Act is the law that gives protection to individual's rights to privacy and tells the government how it is to be done. These two acts allow the release of data under legal criteria and privacy rights.

The Navy's official Privacy Act site is available at:

Identifying Privacy Act (PA) Systems of Records You May be Using

The Navy and Marine Corps maintain Privacy Act (PA) systems of records that are listed at Also on that web site are listings of all DoD PA systems of records and Government-wide PA systems of records.

A PA system of records notice is the authority that allows you to collect, maintain, and disseminate information which is retrieved by an individual's name and personal identifier.

Because many activities maintain similar kinds of records, we have written generic or "umbrella" PA systems of records notices to cover those activities having the need to collect those kinds of records.

Here are the steps to follow to identify PA systems of records you may hold:

STEP 1: Review this listing of "umbrella" PA systems of records that you may be using:

N01070-3   Navy Military Personnel Records System
NM01500-2   Department of the Navy (DON) Education and Training Records
N01543-1   Explosives Handling Qualification/Certification Program
NM01650-1   Department of the Navy (DON) Military Awards System
NM01700-1   DON General Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Records
N01710-1   Recreation Association Membership Files
N01740-1   Family Dependent Care Program
N01752-1   Family Advocacy Program System
N01770-2   Casualty Information Support System
NM05000-1   General Correspondence Files
NM05000-2   Administrative Personnel Management System
NM05000-3   Organization Locator and Social Roster
N05041-1   Inspector General (IG) Records
N05100-3    Safety Equipment Needs, Issues, Authorizations
NM05100-4   WESS Occupational Injuries/Illnesses Log
NM05100-5   Enterprise Safety Applications Management System (ESAMS)
NM05211-1   Privacy Act Request Files and Tracking System
N05354-1   Equal Opportunity Management Information System''
NM05380-1   Combined Federal Campaign/Navy Relief Society
N05500-1   Security Inspection and Violation System
NM05512-1   Vehicle Parking Permit and License Control System
NM05512-2   Badge and Access Control System
N05520-5   Personnel Security Program Management Records System
NM05720-1   FOIA Request and Appeal Files Tracking System
N06320-4   Blood Donor Files
NM07320-1   Property Accountability Records
N07421-1   Time and Attendance Feeder Records
NM08370-1   Weapons Registration
NM12610-1   Hours of Duty Records
N12630-1   Voluntary Leave Transfer Program Records
N12711-1   Labor Management Relations Records System
N12771-2   Employee Relations Including Discipline, Employee Grievances, Complaints, Etc
N12792-7   Drug-Free Workplace Program Records
N12930-1   Human Resources Group Personnel Records

These systems can be downloaded from

STEP 2: Some activities have written PA systems of records that are unique to their activity. Accordingly, if you are one of those activities, identify the specific records you hold.

For example, the following activities have systems of records which are specific to the work they do: Board for Correction of Naval Records, Naval Council of Personnel Boards, White House Liaison, Naval Education and Training Command, Chief of Chaplains, Navy Personnel Command, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Strategic Systems Programs, Navy Installations Command, Military Sealift Command, Naval Health Research Center, Naval Sea Systems Command, General Counsel of the Navy, Naval Postgraduate School, US Naval Academy, Navy Exchange Command Service, Naval Safety Center, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Judge Advocate General, Civilian Human Resources, Office of Naval Intelligence, Office of Naval Research, etc.

When looking for systems under your cognizance, focus on systems that carry the Standard Subject Identification Code (SSIC) you use.

These systems can be downloaded from

STEP 3: There are agencies within the U.S. Government that have developed Government-Wide systems of records that agencies may use. For example:

DOL/GOVT-1   Office of Worker's Compensation Programs, Federal Employees' Compensation Act File
DOT/ALL-8   Employee Transportation Facilitation
EEOC/GOVT-1   Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
GSA/GOVT-3   Travel Charge Card Program
GSA/GOVT-4   Contracted Travel Services Program
GSA/GOVT-5   Access Certificates for Electronic Services
MSPB/GOVT-1   Appeals and Case Records
OGE/GOVT-1   Executive Branch Personnel Public Disclosure Reports and Other Name-Retrieved Ethics Program Records
OGE-GOVT-2   Executive Branch Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports
OPM-GOVT-1   General Personnel Records
OPM/GOVT-2   Employee Performance File System Records
OPM/GOVT-3   Records of Adverse Actions, Performance Based Reduction in Grade and Removal Actions, and Termination of Probationers
OPM/GOVT-7   Applicant Race, Sex, National Origin and Disability Status Records

These systems can be downloaded from

STEP 4: The DOD also has systems of records that may be used by all or some activities. Review their inventory for records you may be using. For example:

DHA 10   DOD Women, Infants and Children Overseas Participant Management System
T7333   Travel Payment System
T7334   Defense Travel System

These systems can be downloaded from

STEP 5: If you can't identify a system of records notice that covers the records you are maintaining that are retrieved by an individual's name and personal identifier, contact CNO (DNS-36) at (202) 685-6545/46/30 for assistance or email to

NOTE: This listing was last updated on August 9, 2006 and is subject to change.

U.S. Fleet Forces Command Freedom of Information Program

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is the law that gives the public the right to request data from the government. Not all data are released. Some data may be protected under one or more of FOIA's nine exemptions.

The U.S. Fleet Forces Command's official FOIA site is available at:

This is an Official U.S. Navy Web site and is the official web site of the Military Sealift Command. For more information on employment with the Navy, visit Navy Jobs. MSC reports to Fleet Forces Command and is one of three component commands reporting to the U.S. Transportation Command, known as USTRANSCOM.