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Opportunity to Apply for the 2013 Jóvenes en Acción Program Closing Soon!

Jovenes en Accion with Secretary Clinton

Opportunity to Apply for the 2013 Jóvenes en Acción Program Closing Soon!

Jovenes en Accion

Mexico City, January 22, 2013 – The U.S. Embassy in Mexico would like to remind students that Sunday February 17th is the deadline to apply for a scholarship in the Jóvenes en Acción class of 2013.  This program, managed and developed jointly by the U.S. Embassy- and the Mexican Ministry of Public Education, with the support of the private sector of both countries, is targeted at Mexican students in their sophomore and junior years of high school organized in teams of up to five members. It takes place in the United States over five weeks in the summer.

Participants of the class 2013 of Jóvenes en Acción will begin their experience in Vermont. They will then be divided into groups to visit different U.S. cities and the program will culminate in Washington, D.C. In addition to offering participants a firsthand encounter with American culture, the program helps them develop their English language skills and leadership abilities, gives them an opportunity to meet U.S. and Mexican government officials and with exchange students from other parts of the world, connects them with NGOs operating in the U.S., and allows them to network with likeminded fellow participants.


The Jóvenes en Acción experience continues upon the students’ return to Mexico. Participants will engage in follow-up activities throughout the school-year, including several meetings and a final wrap-up in Mexico City. The program seeks to develop and improve team working abilities and gives participants the necessary tools to become agents of positive social change in their communities. It also promotes creativity and facilitates the implementation of projects that improve the participants’ communities, through mentoring and support.

A former participant of Jóvenes en Acción, shared that “the best journey you can take for the rest of your life is the journey that transforms your vision into action. It is a short trip, but one that can last forever.”

The U.S. Embassy encourages Mexican students of 10th and 11th grade throughout the country to apply to become members of the 2013 Jovenes en Accion. More information can be obtained at: