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Guyana Shines

Guyana Shines: Dump it in the Bin – Everybody can chip in!

Group sits and listens as panel.  (State Dept.)

The U.S. Embassy together with diplomatic and civic partners including the British High Commission, the Canadian High Commission, the European Union Delegation in Guyana, Conservation International Guyana, and Youth Challenge Guyana has been collaborating

The U.S. Embassy together with diplomatic and civic partners including the British High Commission, the Canadian High Commission, the European Union Delegation in Guyana, Conservation International Guyana, and Youth Challenge Guyana has been collaborating on Guyana Shines. Guyana Shines encourages and mobilizes Guyanese communities to maintain a clean environment. Keeping Georgetown clean is important for Guyana and its people. It is necessary for good health and sanitation. It encourages tourism, supports biodiversity, increases property values, ensures clean waterways to avoid flooding, and improves the community spirit and quality of life. Guyana Shines is reaching out to schools and communities to increase awareness of the harmful effects of littering and pollution and encourage individuals to make environmentally friendly decisions in their own lives and communities. We believe education is the first step to clean communities: if people, particularly young people, understand the importance of keeping their environment clean, attitudes and mindsets will change and the environment will shine. Knowledge without action is not enough. Guyana Shines also supports hands-on, clean-up projects within specific neighborhoods of Georgetown, to bring communities together in common action. Armed with garbage bags, gloves, and determination, our team will work together with local groups - youths, schools, churches, and businesses - to clean up neighborhoods and make them shine. Working together, individuals, schools, businesses, and civil society organizations can make a difference and set an example for others in their community. Every individual has a role to play in keeping their own environment clean - Dump it in the Bin - Everybody can chip in! If everyone plays his or her part, we believe Georgetown will be transformed so the natural beauty of Guyana can shine again.