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American Corners

The goal of the American Corner is to provide general, substantive and accurate information about the United States to interested parties. Materials in the American Corner cover a wide range of subjects pertaining to the United States, such as its policies, society, education and culture, biography and history.

Free, open access is provided to all materials. It is equipped with the latest and most accurate information available from print and electronic media. The collection includes current reference books, CD-ROMs, videocassettes, and periodicals. Computers with Internet access are freely available.

Membership is free

There are three American Corners in Tanzania:

  • Reference Service: The Corner’s reference collection includes dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias, almanacs, and college catalogs.

    The reference collection is best used in person, but our staff do answer queries by telephone, email, and fax.
  • Videocassettes and DVDs: In addition to the print collection, the Corner maintains a collection of videocassettes and DVDs. Subjects covered include: health, democracy and human rights, U.S. history, U.S. culture and arts, education, and terrorism. Patrons may view them in the Corner.
  • CD-ROM Products: The Corner has an extensive collection of resourceful CD-ROMs. These include: Encarta: Reference Library, World Book Encyclopedia, Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, Street Atlas USA, Origins of the Constitution, and We the people: U.S. Civics 101.
  • Programs: The Corner conducts interactive programs that allow community leaders, journalists, professionals and concerned citizens to exchange their views with local and American experts in various subjects such as economics, culture, politics, and issues of current interests.

Contact Information

American Corner
The State University of Zanzibar
P.O. Box 146

Tel: 255-024-223-0724
Fax: 255-024-223-3337

Press Release

  • SUZA hosts the first ever American Corner in Tanzania (Photo: U.S. Embassy, Dar es Salaam)
    SUZA hosts the first ever American Corner in Tanzania

    Right: US Ambassador Retzer and Vice Chancellor of the State University of Zanzibar Prof. Ali Seif Mshimba. July 13, 2006. Full Size (Photo)